The Plan!

We wander around down here wondering just what all this ‘life’ is all about. It never seems to have a purpose in its pain, to trip and stumble with the occasional rose thrown in. But it isn’t until many years down the track that we understand that all of those experiences are indeed giving us a very loving wisdom. To understand that compassion and empathy in all we do.

Many years ago when I touched the unconditional love ‘up there’, you could feel, see and touch everything…with just a thought. In that place we are no longer ‘blocking’ anything, we are open to it all.

And one of the first things Spirit ever said to me was…in the spirit form we know everything…but we do not ‘know’ it…as in, we come down here to experience it…and understand. To ‘know’ it in those experiences…and that plan of what we do down here to reach that understanding.

As painful as it may be, and yes even those loving times, we are being taught a very profound lesson in them both…so we can see and understand that unconditional love. How many times do we inadvertently, or even deliberately, hurt someone close or even ourselves. Touching those very places…so we can see why…eventually…and let them go in that understanding. You cannot remove something unless you first ‘know’ what it is. And yes, that is our fears holding its hand up in the background when I said that…to which we block constantly but eventually come to ‘know’ it…so that we can understand and let it go. And in doing that, you then ‘know’ what remains, that unconditional love that you are becoming in doing just that.

It’s like picking up a possible rock in the gem fields, you see it has a bit of color, it has possibilities. So you cut and ‘feel’ which way it might look best, so you cut it a bit more, and feel it again. Slowly building and shaping and polishing that individual gem within it. And at its end is a very beautiful, well worked stone. It takes some work, quite a bit of sweat, and no two the same. But each a delight on their own.

That plan we follow, that path we make, does take some building, testing and shaping…feeling that love and happiness as we experience it down those roads. Even early on, in the wilderness those wrong paths we sometimes take, but so glad when we step beyond them. But eventually, it is a very profound destination, when we climb that last peak to reach that beauty within us all. You will be glad of each and every step that you took, to become something that in truth no words can truly describe…but to ‘feel’ it…ah, that is something else. Like any love…you just have to feel it to understand. And unconditional love…then you really appreciate what love truly is on this plan in our hearts πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ™



31 thoughts on “The Plan!

  1. I never looked at hurting others and ourselves that way. But yes, maybe I need to hurt others to realize how unfair it is, to see the other side and change my behavior due to an inner adjustment. Amazing explanation, Mark!

    1. Our fears when seen deeper truly open another world. Those reactions to them and how we hold them are speaking something very profound in that they show us ‘us’, so that we can see why and change from that understanding. That love is always there, but our barriers are there to show us the way beyond them into something so much more beautiful. If there was no barrier we would have no ‘need’ to go beyond what we are. But love…love shines in so many things, that love and happiness we ever search for…but ‘know’ we are being held back by those tears in life. It is a great builder, especially when we go beyond those fears and begin to see a true love within us…and reach for it. Thank you for alovely share kind lady, may that path clear your heart in its understanding πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

      1. The “tests” never end. One prepares us for the next one. Stepping over fear in one point means, being read for taking an even bigger step the next time. The way life teaches is so versatile. Amazing to recall that love is the director of this all πŸ’–

        1. It does guide us beautifully Erika, ever there on those hard or good paths so we can see into them all. ‘Director’…I like that…it does indeed, and we are the star πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  2. Thankyou Mark for explaining all your wise and loving feelings❀️ Yes I so appreciate our journey and sharing wisdom and loveπŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒβ€οΈ Sending you love x

    1. Thank you Barbara, your love and blessings ever gratefully received kind lady. I was blessed in seeing the depth of what love is (most certainly not fully), but it touched me so deeply I could not but share what I understood. And at the least give a little hope in this sometimes confusing ride we share πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  3. When spirit told you that we are born β€œknowing” everything – but we come here to discover it or rediscover it – that is something that I was actually told as a child by my dad and I’ve never forgotten it. How he knew I am not sure – but he told me many years ago and it β€œrang β€œ true to me then and it still does to this day.
    I love this post and I love that we keep β€œrecovering” and β€œrediscovering” our love in this life β™₯οΈπŸ™πŸŒˆthank you for the post – it felt very nice to read

    1. And thank you for a lovely share Danielle, I think your dad may have spoken to Spirit at some time. Or maybe he has ‘experienced’ much. I didn’t fully understand Spirit in that knowing of everything, until Spirit said we can know a lot about something…but we can’t understand it or truly ‘know’ it until we experience it and comprehend its meaning. I suppose its like love, as a child its just full of hugs, cuddles, smooches and ice cream. But as we get older and experience it so much more, then that depth of wisdom and understanding becomes more profound. Your dad was a very wise man kind lady, to ‘know’ its depth so young πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

    1. Thank you Linda, your words were such a beautiful gift. And yes, I too have enjoyed our journey, with those lovely words you always share also. Thank you β€οΈπŸ™

  4. I’m reminded of what Helen Keller once said, β€œThe best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” Thank you for sharing yours. πŸ₯°

    1. Linda…I had to sit here for ages, I couldn’t find words to even try to answer. That is a very beautiful and profound quote kind lady, and your words to me touched me so deeply also. I truly ‘felt’ the words, thank you. And the quote completely sums up our journey, to feel it all so that we can understand and become that unconditional love, in that love and happiness we ever search for. Again, thank you. It truly made my day πŸ₯°β€οΈπŸ™

  5. Great wisdom, Mark. As we go through our journey it’s so important that we learn at least some of what it is about. I’ve known people who died not really realizing anything about life and certainly how they were in it. As we get older it’s good to once in a while do a check up on what you have learned and how we are applying this knowledge. I think life is all about learning and loving.

    1. Well said Michele, and thank you. This life does indeed teach us so much, even in ways we don’t realize. And the incredible part behind it is indeed that love, ever guiding us in all our outcomes. It either feels good in our understanding, or it is blocked by our fear. And both teach very beautifully as we test them all. It took a long time for me to understand that those bad bits are guiding us too, showing us what we don’t want so that we will face another direction. To that love and happiness that is always inside our searches. When Spirit showed me this, I finally saw the empathy, love and compassion were from experiencing all those things. Without them we would be lost. May your journey ever be with that love kind lady, no greater lesson will your heart touch…than in them all. Thank you for sharing kind lady πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  6. Such a wonderful post Mark…everything happens for that greater plan, to tap into unconditional love, the more we experience conditions, we are shaping and sharpening the stone gem, to allow unconditional love shine though us.

    1. Thank you kind sir, and well said. It is a long slow process but those cuts, shaping and polishing are indeed creating something very profound and beautiful for us. It seems such a hard journey but we will appreciate every step we take in seeing the light of that final unconditional love. Thank you for the share πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  7. A comment from my lovely friend Ginger…

    Mark, this is a beautiful post written by someone who has experienced these phenomenas and is generous enough to share those experiences with us.

    It’s a long trek from start to goal, but a trip worth taking. Even if we don’t fully achieve our goal, we’re bound to have gained more knowledge than when we started. So now we’re better armed to continue this journey.

    Keep on keeping on Mark. A lot of people depend on you. I’m glad you are my friend. Besides, I know where you hide your chocolate!

    Ginger πŸ¦‹

    1. Thank you Ginger, it was a very interesting journey to say the least. And definitely yes, all of these experiences down here are truly building that opening to love within us. That is why I always say, even the bad stuff (conditional), is showing us what we don’t want, so that we can truly understand that and let it go…and move into a more unconditional love in each and every encounter. Always leading our hearts higher in all those encounters.

      And I nearly wet myself with the chocolate crack at the end, I was not expecting that…but the laugh was worth its weight in gold, thank you dear lady. It is friends like you that make this journey a much more beautiful and loving path. And yes, I’m moving the chocolate πŸ€—πŸ€£πŸ˜‚β€οΈπŸ™

  8. Profound, poignant, and powerful, dear Mark. “…you just have to feel it to understand.”
    I loved your parallel to polishing and cutting a gem–letting go of fear and “knowing” what remains. The “building, testing, and shaping…feeling that love and happiness as we experience it down those roads.” And yes, to the wrong paths that taught us too!
    I love how you see life and how you’ve experienced an unconditional love so deep it can’t help but ooze out of you and spread to all of us! You are loved, dear friend!! πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ€β£οΈπŸ’•

    1. Thank you Karla, I feel the love and those delightful paw prints too πŸ€—πŸ€£

      I was blessed by a very beautiful gift. That gift that is in all of us in some way or another. We have been ‘touched’ by unconditional love so that we can see its beauty when we dare to open to it. Whether it is a gift of words, song, flying planes, dancing, gardening…you name it. And within it that ever seeking of that love and happiness.

      And mine happens to be that deep seated sense of ‘feeling’ I was gifted with. But to truly feel it, I, and like everyone else, have to touch its opposite to truly understand it. It is a contradiction in where I went, to go into somewhere so horrible I would never wish it on another, no matter how bad they are. But…if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t understand what I now do.

      I’ll try not to be too scary about this…but you have to face yourself. And I dared to ask Spirit to help me. And I’ll never forget those words Spirit spoke to me…’do you wish to know love’…and of course I jumped up and down thinking I was going to be given something so beautifully profound. And I was…I just didn’t realize what it took to understand it. So I was given each and every step to face it. It is…an interesting journey, as you well now know in yourself. We have to see us and what we do with that gift within us in all that we do.

      It is in seeing and feeling this incredible journey down here. It hurts, and sometimes very powerfully. But it is being done with a very profound and beautiful love. To finally see that it can’t be done without the hard stuff, to gain that empathy, compassion and love in experiencing it all…all I could do was be a guide, give a little confidence to understand that yes, it is a testing path. But it truly is being done with a love that I truly cannot put words too. On that day I understood what I did, was ‘touched’ by that unconditional love, I wanted to share it all in every way I could so that others had hope, gained faith, and begin a courage to step into something wonderful.

      God shared something with me through Spirit that there truly are no words for, hence trying to find something to explain the unexplainable. But…when you touch it…you will be glad of every single step we have been given kind lady. Chin up my friend, a very big Godly love that was shared with me I wish to share with you, and a hug to bind it all Karla. Hang in there kind lady, He is waiting for us all…in that ever soul touching love β€οΈπŸ™

      1. You’re welcome, dear friend. πŸ’•Mark, this gives me comfort. My heart, head, and soul nodded to your words.
        I’m so glad you had the experience of feeling the contradictions~both extremes to fully embrace and understand that such can only be the Spirit. Explaining the unexplainable! Yes! I understand!
        You’re a testament of how love should be given once we feel it and know it! Thank you! You’re a gift to us all. I’ll keep my chin up, eyes up, heart and eyes open, ears ready to hear ~sending love and hugs always! Finn too (of course I have to add paws from here! lol) πŸ’•πŸΎπŸ₯°πŸ«ΆπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ©΅πŸ’œβ˜€οΈπŸ¬πŸŽΆ

        1. Paws, love and hugs gratefully accepted Karla, thank you πŸ€—πŸ€£ It is a very beautiful love that is there Karla, and it does make it all so worthwhile. May your path have those opposites (but not too many, you most certainly have enough now), your heart that courage, and your love an opening that only this journey can give. Have a great day kind lady, enjoy the sunshine, the breeze, and that love all around πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  9. Question: do you think it goes beyond feeling? You know how our feelings can sometimes mislead us just like our minds? What are your thoughts about that?

    Lovely lovely lovely post!
    Unconditional Love πŸ’—
    Appreciate you my friend so much.

    1. Oh yes, yes kind lady. The only reason we are ever misled is because of those ‘bits & conditions’ that we face in this life. We have to question so that we can find that inner truth. To find any truth we must test it, like all experiments. You can do something once, but the next is different. And the only way to find that truth is experience it…often. To ensure it is a truth.

      And as far as our ‘feelings’ go. There are multitudes of feelings that we use and do not realize that we are actually using them. How many times has someone said something to you and you ‘sense’ they are lying, or not telling a whole truth because of what you ‘feel’. I’ve had a child come up to me and say something so sweet and give me a big hug…but an ulterior motive is behind it, they know they will get an ice cream or sweet in what they say. Your heart goes out to them because of how they are doing it. How do you do this…you can feel the sweetness, you can even feel the ulterior motive…shoot, you can even feel there isn’t a nasty part in it. So you respond accordingly with much love, a returned hug and a smile. All from a twinkle in their eyes.

      If you are an artist, what is that feeling in what you wish to draw or paint, that ‘knowing’ in a brush stroke or feeling in even applying the image. Or the feeling in a song, that effort, that reaching out to every one to hear those feelings coming from your heart. We will make mistakes, but each one asks us to try harder, and then truly appreciate the effort that it has taken to reach that ‘point’ in what we do.

      Now I can say it is all that love that is all around us, in us, a part of every single thing in this universe…but…

      What about the anger from a stranger that can be felt, there is no love in that. And they haven’t even spoken yet and you can sense it too. Is that a lack of love, a denial of it? We can sense it, and it obviously isn’t built on that love…but a blocking of it. But that block we sense is because we too have obviously done it in our lives, we have experienced it and understand its motions.

      So what are all these ‘feelings’ everywhere. Yes, it is that love…or lack of. But that love is such a profound ‘sense/feeling’ that it can literally do anything. If you fine tune something that is within you, it is that love you have experienced, and it has touched you in such a way (and remember this bit), that you have allowed yourself to open to it. It is that gift within us, in whichever way it touches us, that we open whole heartedly to. It is a guide. And it is in learning to do this with all parts of our lives that we become one to that love, in its perfection, in that unconditional love we ever seek.

      Mmm, almost did another post 🀣 I hope that covers it a bit, there is so much more. But the builder is us, that fine tuning, from that love that has been unconditionally shared with us β€οΈπŸ™

      1. I feel this and read into it a couple of times. That fine tuning place of awareness around the love within and all around. When we are touched by divine love it continues to work its way through us showing us how it was there all along and actually never leaves. Yes it is how I experience this love in so many versions of it. lol πŸ˜‚

        Thank you for also indirectly reminding me of the Rumi quote:

        Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. β€” Rumi

        Blessings and hugs your way!

        1. Now that is another great quote Ka, those barriers are those things that stop us from seeing that beauty inside. But that has a great purpose too, so that we ‘can’ see those barriers on our hearts, understand them, so that we can remove what holds us closed. For in that opening is that beauty inside, a very profound realization what love is, because of what went before. And yes, there are many versions of that love, we mold it by those barriers until that clearness from understanding opens us truly. Blessings and hugs gratefully returned my friend πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ™

    1. Thank you Val, just passing on a beautiful wisdom given me. And the biggest thing I learnt down here was…I didn’t know if it was just me going nuts…so I pass on what I found so that others are game to ask themselves those same questions. Thank you for your sharing as always kind lady πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  10. β€œYou cannot remove something unless you first β€˜know’ what it is.” Amen! First step is identifying and clarifying. Very beautiful post, dear Mark. That trek through the wilderness and polishing of stones to find the gems within, is an ongoing work in progress. Thank you for being here, centered in the love you put forth into the world. πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Thank you kind lady. It is a powerfully loving journey, even in its pain. Maybe more so because of it. But we must know both sides to understand what we feel. And a hint at what we are becoming in those experiences.

      When I touched that love ‘up there’, it left me so….I truly cannot put it into words, words just can’t do it…but, on those times you fall so deeply for someone, in the beginning, rose colored glasses and all…times a thousand. But even then it is different, simply because up there it is done minus those ‘bits’ we hold. I cannot express its clearness enough.

      But this plan of discovery down here is giving such an appreciation of what is to come. Your heart is shining well MM, touching both sides so it can. Thank you for the share my friend, your plan is finding that destination truly in what you share also πŸ€—πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

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