Danielle over at Graceful Addict asked me…’When you refer to “his” love – or “his” spirit of love – I
Author: Mark Lanesbury
When you ‘know’ in your heart that you are telling your truth…not what another expects, not what you expect, not
It was the most innocuous moment. Yesterday I had walked up to the refrigerator in a service station to grab
A beautiful lady (MM), answered my last post (Is It Really A Crazy World), with her comment… “I can only
This is in reply to a young lady who needed a rest, a time out from WordPress and its busy,
You just have to face you…and then, what you do with you, with what you find ❤️🙏
If I come up to you at birth and ask of you…what is love? You plead with your eyes, I
When people realize that when you speak a truth from your heart…they can truly hear it. Not with their ears,
Ah…trust! The builder of love. An interesting thing, when someone is truly open to you, truly trusting you so that
The lovely blogger Lorrie asked me about people re-entering our lives in our relationships after my post Reason, Season, or
This writing below you may have heard before but sometimes it is good to just stop for a moment and
How can you be loving, if your love is not tested, How can we understand, if our hearts never bested,
Triggered from a lovely post I Don’t Know! by Danielle, that moment we can admit in our hearts that it
…..you see someone, a delight to the eyes and heart. You don’t want them to think anything bad of you
This world does indeed ‘feel’ such an isolating place at times. But there is a balance, the occasional beautiful hug,
These last couple of months have been crazy. I thought I knew so much only to be touched again and
A reply to that lovely writer across the world Erika , to her post… ‘In retrospect it is not always
Ok…deep breath. I have set every known box, tick & click to allow comments on my site from my and
Hi my beautiful friends, just a quick note to say I’m back. Even if some parts are missing (Gallery etc).
A very interesting thing happened to me on my journey…once I understood my fears, the judgement stopped. Not because others
This post is from Bernice at Spiritual Journey Healing, and I could not help but share how it truly, practically,
Hey guys, Interesting times indeed. My site is becoming so wobbly that many cannot use the menu links up top
My apologies to one and all. I did not define something properly in my last post Separation III and probably
Warning: I speak of something very painful and even frightening in this post. The loss of loved ones is bad
This is for Danielle , the young lady who had a lesson for me…and like many students, I can be
And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. – Kahlil Gibran
I think that is love’s perfection, we want that calm, peace, love and happiness in all we do…but because we
Another chat with Danielle over there at The Daily Addict has fired up another post. I have this funny feeling
I’ve been nudged again by Spirit to post another comment from Samantha’s new post Chapter 27 at her blog. And
This is a reply to a post that Spirit has asked me to put up. And the posts themselves are
It is those people that hurt us that guide us truly. They show us ‘us’ in all our painful bits.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, a beautiful understanding was presented to me. I was reading a
Our world may be the most craziest, mind blowing place…but…when I ‘touched’ heaven I realized that this world is the
Ask yourself…what is love truly…is it an ability to hug someone with great feeling, share with another’s heartfelt energy and
I was answering a comment to a post by Danielle, about those fears we go through and their impact. So
A reply to a lovely Daily Kind Quote from Erika…’By understanding the ego, we overcome it’. To be honest, it
This is a reply to a dear friend who has begun her awakening (not that there is a start or
Each and every thing that we go through down here, leaves a residue, an effect from its action or experience.
And they can be found. It is a difficult life but fortunately there is a healing for that inner sadness
When I understood my fears and let them go…I no longer feel the need to be in a relationship. Now
Spirit asked me to do a re-post of a very early post I did many, many years ago on what
We all know that we can never truly appreciate something unless we have worked at it. Sometimes worked very hard
Where do I begin…I mean really? I had learned something many years ago, but found it so confronting that I
You have a friend who can get upset or angry and bitter at times, feeling the world on their shoulders
When we are in a relationship we HOLD that love, don’t ever want to lose it. But that is not
Why do we ever give negativity or bad things so much priority in our minds? It is simple really, anything
God spoke to me and said ‘I AM THE GIVER OF LIFE’ So I no longer had to worry about
When we are raised as children we unintentionally take on the fears of those we love and look up to
In the beginning it is all we are…in the end it is what we become. We are down here to
I’ve mentioned a little visitor gracing our area in some comments and decided to share the experience. The whale appeared
It is such a beautiful feeling isn’t it, that intensity that lets us feel something so intense and magical and
In all those things we ever do in this world, nothing comes close to a greater happiness than when we
I have just read Eddie’s post, of which I hope he doesn’t mind me repeating here… “Those who are not
I have never in my life ‘projected’ any sort of religion or belief around except my own ‘belief’ of what
It is an interesting thing that fear we hold, and for something that controls so much of our lives it
Our lives are always filled with a ‘need’. You know the one, we try to fix it when we buy
Merry Christmas everyone, and many blessings to your journey, be it with friends, loved one’s or even on your own.
A reply to Erika’s post at What if…I only had one day left! I began to write a reply Erika
….continued from posts ‘As Above, So Below!’ and ‘To Live..First Allow Yourself!’ Is it that moment you look into your
…continued on from post ‘As Above, So Below’. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WARNING: DO NOT do the following. I am an experienced spiritual
Hey guys, I’m just going to put my soul on the table for a minute or two. Not the real
Unconditional love is the opposite of total fear. We cannot ‘know’ and appreciate one without experiencing the same with the
Is it a monster, that dark thing in our closets? Or is it just a pathway through an unknown forest?
When you are younger and trying to learn to drive a car, you focus on it day in and day
Hi to you all. I’ve had a few hiccups with my site so I’ve just grabbed a new theme to
(This following post I shared with Barbara as a guest blogger on her topic of a Magical New Earth!) This
When we are in a situation with a friend, partner, family or stranger that we react to, it is only
We have many reasons for the things we do. Justifications for our many ‘bits’ that we carry in our lives.
In reply to dear Amy’s heartfelt post Mirrors 🙂 I hated my dad because of the way he treated me
My return reply to Scottishmomus’s bullshite-and-empathy It is very simple Anne Marie, and also quite profound. You have been brought
This is in reply to a lovely post by Trini, Come into the light and her beautiful energy drawing many
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” Rumi
Our awareness can open on us at any time in our lives. Those times when we are working on something
I find that if I’m with someone I trust, I can talk about my fears. This has the purpose of
The following is something that I found in my draft folder in my move across to my new site here.
Ok, this is my first post at my new blog address. Welcome to all that have followed me over, and
To understand our lives. It is one of the most simple and exquisitely beautiful things we will ever touch on
‘When the heart speaks the conscious objections crumble in an instant, and there is nothing left to decide. There are
Still here guys, just still a little sidetracked with some healing, my own and others 😀 I tried to individually
I am walking down the middle of the main street of my town, many people on both sides. Each step
A wonderful understanding of that search for the love in our lives <3 Reblogged from Unfiltered From the Heart Becoming
People come into your path for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is,
All of your life you are seeking that mythical place called happiness. Well…I found it…but not where I was looking.
Many years ago I had an ‘event’ where I was with a friend suffering from a bipolar condition, and during