The Shimmer of Love!

… see someone, a delight to the eyes and heart. You don’t want them to think anything bad of you so you hesitate to jump all over them and share how you are feeling in that instant connection with the eyes……..and in that one tiny hesitation, they see you hesitate and think…ooh, maybe they don’t feel as I just felt about them…and so I too hesitate….and before you have even taken a step into anything, even heard each others voice…the shimmering of a wall appears in those fears, before a word is spoken.

You haven’t even shared your greatest treasure yet…that love deep inside you, that glorious part of you that has been building for years…you know…the one with that tiny shimmer on it, but they won’t see that, that slightly bigger hesitation from a tiny little shimmer…but that was years ago…many years ago, it wouldn’t come up with someone like this…could it? They wouldn’t dare…I mean…it’s only if they don’t hug me tight, love me and only me, and share ‘their’ heart…all of it…..without that tiny little shimmer on theirs β€οΈπŸ™

22 thoughts on “The Shimmer of Love!

  1. IAM only just seeing this post as it didn’t come into my inbox! So sorry for my lateness! I actually used to be much more spontaneous with my greetings… before I allowed others to dictate to me… be more careful, you can’t trust everyone… etc. But when IAM feeling ok (cause I still often feel as if the wind has blown out of me😩)IAM conscious to allow myself to just be. What a journey we are on he Mark! Thanks so much for this reminder, it is so important we allow ourselves to go all out! no matter what! much love to you x

      1. No, since I have moved my blog I get up to 6 or 7 anonymous commenters now…and I can guess three of them by the way they write. I do ‘feel’ this but has me stumped…is that you mom? Haha πŸ€£πŸ˜‚β€οΈπŸ™

    1. You are traveling well kind lady, I feel your energy and there are some times you will wobble but slowly that love inside is speaking differently because of your journey. It is so difficult to see in the beginning because of the shock factor, barely able to see one step in front of the other. But underneath all that something beautiful is growing and it will show itself within you as time goes by. Even if you are like me and the patience it asks for can only get a reply of ‘right now’ would be nice πŸ˜€ But truly there is a gift building. Take care and breathe my friend, and lots of love coming from over here πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

    1. It can indeed feel like a blessing and a curse sometimes Tiffany, but they do teach us the ‘why’ behind them. Eventually. But a greater blessing you will not find kind lady πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

    1. Thank you very much Michele. And I do hope you received this post and didn’t have to go looking for it, and were able to comment easily too. It appears to be still causing many problems for the many πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  2. Mark, I’m learning my mouth no longer hesitates and at times I’ve made a “fool” of myself as seen on another’s face yet I do not care. There is a “force” so great that I speak without fear yet I do know when to stay quiet. Yet when that spirit of speech is upon me, God only knows what will come flying out. LOL And I don’t care. I don’t care what others think of me anymore. It is SOOOOO freeing! My husband gave me one of the highest compliments anyone can in that he said, I walk my talk. Yes.

    We all have to get over our fear of what others will think of us. And it is such a delight to let go that fear. No hesitation anymore. For in that hesitation so much is lost. You can overcome this fear, Mark. I know it. You see it for what it is. That is the first step in healing.

    Sending you so much love!!! And I’m with Sue. I still cannot comment on your blog but had to go through the reader to do so. WP!!! Darn it! xoxox

    1. The freedom of that love is a very powerful thing Amy. Stand in the truth and integrity of that love and the world is ever open to you. I say the only thing that the love may ‘seem’ to bite you is because we are not standing in that love and we need to ‘see’ something within ourselves. It is so perfect to be able to ever reflect where our hearts are kind lady, and yes, in that discovery we do walk our talk. Your discoveries recently of so many things opens that freedom in your heart, dares you to explore some amazing things. It wanted me to stand in that truth so I dared it and spoke of Spirit to which many shook their heads. But as we both now know, there are no limits but love’s limits ie. we don’t not stand in that integrity and truth and shoot someone…even if we feel some may deserve it. But in truth we can now see other’s struggle in life…because ‘there but for the Grace of God go I’. A gift within is that place to really find that truth within us kind lady. Speak it and be free, and the truth of that loving smile within will open your heart to the world. And as you said, that healing we are all reaching for. Welcome home kind lady, enjoy the love inside it all β€οΈπŸ™
      And yes Amy, barely anyone can comment or like on here. I have no idea what is going on. I’ve tried everything I can think of, even doing ‘wrong’ things and the only thing I can think of is…Spirit is blocking me. I’m supposed to be finally writing my book and I still spend so much time on here. But its great to see the love open in another, these moments are a beauty all their own. Ok, I’ll be good and get writing…and only sneak on here for an hour every day…ok, maybe 2 πŸ€£β€οΈπŸ™

      1. Mark, when we step into that place we are destined to be, magic appears so gleefully. You won’t miss being here as you delve into your own words. Spirit had to drag me here, truth be told, for I’d rather be composing a painting and thinking of HOW I’m going to paint this thing and if I cannot figure out find YT videos to help me process what I should do. I’m having a blast!

        As for that hesitation that as you alluded to it IS a Gift, one for us to ponder upon as to WHY we hesitated and what part of us is still in resistance in order for us to clear the way so Flow may return to that place within. All works together in Divine Order, dear friend. All.

        And when you decide to step off the cliff to fly through the unknown, your writing will thrill you, obsess you, and you won’t want to do anything else. For me NOT to want my cameras is a mindblower! I’d rather be painting or sketching these days.

        When the TIME comes for you to step off that cliff, you will. Something so powerful comes over you that you will not be able to resist. I know. Much love to you this day!! xoxoxo

        1. And much love to you also Amy. And you have explained it beautifully, it is a powerful journey ever guiding us to that love waiting to be found inside us ❀️
          May that love guide your brush kind lady, that gift to help your heart open even further and become that love that you are my friend xoxo πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  3. The phrase ‘ He who hesitates is lost’ springs to mind while I read your words Mark. We as humans are so hung up on rejection, of those inbuild taught emotions of what if’s.. I am not good enough. what if they do not see the same shimmer as I am feeling.. We have forgotten for the most part in trusting that Shimmer.. to see where it may lead..

    A thought provoking shimmer of Love Mark..

    And on another Note.. I am not happy with WP, I still didn’t see a notification for this post.. I happened by as I do at intervals to see if you had posted again.. And all the boxes are ticked lol too πŸ™‚
    And I find this Gem waiting..

    Sometimes we just have to take the plunge and Shimmer away πŸ™‚ πŸ™πŸ’–

    1. They have a new thing where when you click in the comment box at someones blog, your icon comes up with a gear cog (settings image) comes up next to it. Click that cog and it will have your settings/choices for that blog, as in…send new posts, comments etc. One of these dang things has to work somewhere. This post has 6 likes after a few days but my dashboard says I’ve had 70 odd views. Something isn’t working right somewhere πŸ™
      Anyway, yes, we do get hung up on so many things. All attempting to shimmer and break or shimmer and firm, creating or destroying that covering over our heart. But it all teaches kind lady, ever daring us to go beyond that shimmer and just be that love that is there waiting inside us to be discovered in doing those very things. Thank you for sharing you dear lady, it ever clears that connection and brings a smile πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

      1. Yes the cog box was ticked along with the boxes Mark.. Either I missed it or it didn’t appear… Not to worry… At least our comments are coming into our notification boxes πŸ™‚
        May we all Dare to conquer that which no longer serves as we all Shimmer a little brighter each day xx ❀️

        1. Ah dear me Sue, this WordPress is seriously wobbling. But as you said, may we dare to conquer those things that test us as we are becoming brighter and brighter πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  4. The tiny hesitation and the shimmer. One can cancel out the other when the hesitation is misinterpreted or born out of fear. Shimmers of love and hugs to you my friend. πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ’«

    1. The many things we do are all felt dear lady, signaling to the world, and us, where our hearts are. And those fears may seemingly interfere with life, and they do…but, they also keep telling us where we don’t want to be so that we will try to understand and go beyond them. May yours give you that meaning, but your love understand. Hugs received with that understanding kind lady, and returned in kind. Have a great day πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

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