To Feel!

I was given a very beautiful and profound quote this morning by a lovely friend Linda Moon. And so after my previous post, I just had to share it too 🀣. And this quote she shared by Helen Keller just beautifully sums up life…

β€œThe best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

And we either open to them or close unsure. Wherever we are. That ability to ‘feel’ is a gift, so that we can understand it all.

Thank you Linda, it truly made my day πŸ€—πŸ₯°β€οΈπŸ™



32 thoughts on “To Feel!

  1. What a beautiful quote Mark from a brave lady who ‘Felt’ through her heart instead of her eyes.. May more people get in touch with their hearts and FEEL the love vibrating through them.. Lots of love and Blessings sent dear friend… πŸ’–βœ¨πŸ™

    1. They are very powerful words Sue, from a lady who could do it no other way. And that training that life taught her so beautifully, is a gift for us all. Thank you for sharing your gift too kind lady, may it ever touch us all too πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

    1. Thank you MM, and well said. Our journey does ‘feel, touch and sense’ it all. They are the building blocks of that love we are. Thank you for sharing that love πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ™

    1. Thank you for the share Val, your words gratefully received kind lady. And yes, she did touch something so very profound. Even with all her other senses gone the one thing that truly became enhanced because of that, was her heart. So she ‘felt’ it all πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  2. It delights my heart that this quote has brought you much joy. Despite Hellen Keller’s inability to see, hear or speak, her senses of touch and feel enabled her to embrace the beauty of the world. Her inspiration lives on for us to make our world a better place.

    1. Thank you Linda, it made my day. It so beautifully summed up what we do on a daily basis in all we do. And that place within Helen Keller, because all her senses had been lost, she had gained such sensitivity for something so beautifully profound in its place. Thank you again for your lovely words, they were ‘timed’ beautifully. May they live on in us all, to make this world a better place indeed πŸ€—πŸ₯°β€οΈπŸ™

  3. I’m enjoying your posts and glad you shared this Helen Keller quote that really points to that intimacy and the true direction of our love. It’s profound, Mark, to witness our oneness through this. Thanks πŸ™πŸ» dear one. Hugs and blessing to you!

    1. Thank you Ka, this place in ‘time’ is opening something quite strongly within me and wants to be expressed. As I spoke before in other posts, as we understand and clear those blockages within us, that love becomes clearer and clearer. And the ‘feel’ changes so profoundly so that we can ‘see’ in a whole new way. Many hugs to you also kind lady, may that journey clear us all to that realization within πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  4. I have a silver pendant which has the shape of a tangled frame of a heart. Ingraved is the longer version of this quote. I love that pendant!

    1. It would be a lovely thing to touch on and remember what we do down here Erika. It speaks as only love can kind lady. It is definitely a keeper, something to touch on and remember this great journey. Thank you for sharing that, it obviously has great meaning to you also πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ™

      1. It has: The quote itself is already meaningful. Also, I got it from my husband who bought it at one of my favorite places in California. Yes, truly a beautiful reminder what meaningful means!

  5. A comment from my lovely friend Ginger…

    Love this quote from Helen Keller, a woman who saw, heard and felt life more than all of us put together! I think we have such a hard time with our feelings because they are so private and often raw. We’re at a loss to verbally express those feelings.

    You, my friend, have learned to express your feelings and generously share them with us so we all benefit.

    Thanks for sharing this quote today. Words to live by!

    Ginger πŸ¦‹

    1. They are indeed words to live by Ginger. And yes, we do have such difficulty in those raw emotions, but thankfully they are the making of us. That empathy and compassion that builds love’s bridges all around.

      And I did learn to express what I had held close because of so much pain. But thankfully it was while there that I saw what was through it. To be gifted with something so beautiful and profound I could not but share how it was given to me.

      And love being what it is…these words were shared by Linda to my post so that I could see a little deeper, that beauty that is here for us all.

      Thank you for the share my friend, may life and love always let us feel it all πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

  6. A beautiful quote indeed. We aren’t taught to feel, I know when I was introduced to it… to feel rather than to think! I asked how do you do that! How do we explain something like this🧐 Thankyou mark for sharing your wondrous moments with us allβ€οΈπŸ•Ί much love x

    1. Thank you Barbara, it is something that I think comes naturally, a part of who and what we are. Each and every step we ‘feel’ something, and this is the teacher. That love is the teacher, and we can either listen, block, laugh, yell or cry…but each and every one of them gifts us with an understanding. Sometimes slowly, sometimes fast, and sometimes so profoundly that it ‘feels’ like something that you just cannot explain 🀣 Much, much love to you also kind lady, may it ever speak to you in whichever way you desire xx πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

    1. It is indeed an amazing quote Frank. I’m so glad that Linda passed it on to me. And my hand is up too, I’ll vote for the heart any time. Thank you for the share kind sir, and the solid backing of Helen Keller’s beautiful words πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

    1. And thank you for sharing Michele. I did not know that Helen Keller was blind and deaf, a defender of those who were handicapped. But it truly explained the depth of her words and its meaning in a soundless and lightless world πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

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