Spirit in the Sky
To a beautiful lady with the heart of a healer.
I was blessed with the sharing of Ali’s life and being shown a truth that was her journey.
In memory of one of God’s healers, and nature’s gladiators.
Spirit in the Sky
She invited me to see, to share that love within
Showed me her beauty, the further I walked in
The caring of all creatures, whether human or of fur
She would not go past, test the meaning that was her
Seen the laughter and the fun, each invitation that was made
Making sure our comfort, blessing us with her shade
And even in that care, an occasional tear would spill
To show the world that empathy, a climb to take that hill
And along that sacred journey, to find what it meant
A glow began to form, a love heaven sent
As slowly she did find, a heart that could heal
Giving to another, a love that they feel
And the light she did shine, given with a care
Always with a smile, an understanding she did share
For all along this path, as her truth did fly
Ali had now found, that spirit in the sky
Always near as her love is a part of who we are.
Beautiful tribute to your friend, Mark. I’m so sorry for your loss. M
Thank you Michelle. Ali was a lovely lady and I was blessed with sharing time with her. Much was learned and shared.
I know she is now showing someone else to look within and find that love that is within us all. I don’t think heaven will be ready for this lady! 🙂
Mark what a remarkable poem and a wonderful Gift you had in Ali and knowing her… There are those we meet and greet along our journey that are true treasures in our lives.. Their presence and Light will remain with us long after they have passed..
I know Ali will also have felt extremely gifted in knowing another soul such as your good self.. And feel just as blessed having known you..
We both know that her journey is now only just really beginning.. And we each learn so much from those who leave their essence within our aura’s to keep our hearts warm as we send them our blessings for the next phase of their journey.. This is a wonderful tribute.
Love and Light Mark.. <3
Thank you Sue. Ali was a great lady, always a light in this world. It was great to know her and share many things, especially her healing as she was a Massage Therapist like myself.
And yes, her journey will go on to reach a much more beautiful state of being and I am glad for her that she has achieved so much in this journey with us here. Ali always had her heart on her sleeve so I know she held it out front like a beacon to show the world what she was made of.
Love and light to you for those blessings Sue, and thank you for sharing such a lovely comment. Mark xo
As a healer myself Mark.. I have met some beautiful souls who sort to healing.. And although some came far too late to heal their bodies… I hope I helped heal their spirits .. I am always amazed at those whose life paths cross our own who are meant to meet along the way..
Both of our lives have been enriched by such souls.. And I am always blessed having known they were guided to me before their final parting of ways..
I know too this is true of you and your own healing.. I have helped so many pass and been at their passings.. I feel privileged to have been part of their journey.. As I am certain you have ..
Many thanks for your lovely response Mark.. Sad as we maybe for a time.. we most certainly know they now reside in that wondrous Love, and they would not wish us to feel sadness, only joy, knowing they are well and happy within their new surroundings..
Your sharing was a true Gift..
Blessings Sue
It has been enriching to be with people on that level. They always bring an answer for us, attract that something that we need to understand. I am sorry to say that I couldn’t be with her when she passed as it happened so quickly. Breast cancer can have a very quick arrival, as it did, and caught everyone by surprise. But thankfully, in that, the speed was a blessing. I have seen so many that it can take its toll on patient and family, seemingly so cruel on all involved.
But I at least had the privilege of journeying with Ali and that heart that she gave to all. It was always an interesting journey and I will always hold that within, as that is what will always be a part of who I am.
Thank you Sue, your words help very much to adjust to the loss of someone close, and allows an expression of what I feel to be openly said and not held in. It has great purpose…thank you! xo
You are welcome Mark.. I have lost so many loved ones to that disease.. And its been prevalent within my family , My sister had a mastectomy at 36 with 4 young children.. But thankfully she won the battle, her children giving her the courage and will power to stay.
My best friend also, who was also my Spiritual teacher and guide, who is still with me, I often feel her gentle smile at my shoulder in times of stress and hear her words of encouragement. Ali I am sure once settled will make her presence felt by your side again.. Perhaps as you work upon someone else, a thought will be there, a memory, a fragrance…
Life is never ended as we both know, only transformed and renewed.. And We who know that are the privileged ones.. For We know there is Life After Life.. 🙂 and no death.. I smile with a glad heart Mark.. for we are blessed in knowing both worlds.
Love and Light always Sue
Thank you Sue, they are beautiful words and I read them gladly. It does make it easier, even though I know in my heart where she now is, I also know that grieving is a part of finding our beauty inside, it allows us to really appreciate our time here and see from our hearts. Namaste xo
I know you will find the balance and healing Mark.. Namaste .. my friend x
Absolutely beautiful. She sounds truly incredible
Susan ?
Thank you Susan. I am very glad to hear your voice, and with a beautiful comment as well.
Yes, she did put it all out there because of what she believed, and affected us all on the way through our lives.
Standing in our truth is a learned thing. We make our mistakes and learn from them, each time becoming lighter and brighter, even though at times we feel we aren’t getting anywhere.
So Ali just knew what she believed inside, and just kept on going 🙂
Thank you for sharing this time with me, very appreciated. Love, light and blessings to you also. Mark
I´m sorry for that lost of her…
Beautiful words from you to and about a Beautiful soul ~~~
Thank you Elaine. She was a beautiful soul and I was blessed to be a part of her journey, I learned much. Mark
Mark, your tribute is tender and beautiful. We delight and grow when we are planted among people like Ali. They bring out the best in us, and those around them.
I love this celebration tribute. She will always be remembered as a healing spirit, and her legacy will continue.
I am sorry to all that suffer from losing her. Her truest journey has now arrived.
Thank you coffeegrounded. She did share her journey with us and allowed us to see ourselves from the light that she shone out. And because of that, as you have said, Ali does leave that legacy in our hearts.
She is now in a very beautiful place. It is something that I have been shown in my own journey, so as sad as it was to lose her, I know I haven’t really lost the reality of what she is. She has transformed back into the beauty that is inside us all.
Thank you for sharing a lovely comment, it is very appreciated. Mark
He hands us beauty so that we may show others His blessing.
Thank you, Mark.
Well said 🙂 Thank you!
This is lovely, Mark. She sounds, from your words, to have been someone very special.
Thank’s momus, Ali was someone special. We had been friends for many years and in that time she did healing and worked for our National Parks and Wildlife Service to do her bit for the environment. My heart goes out to her husband and son as she was only 52. I’m afraid that 21st century plague of cancer cares not in its selection, sinner or saint, and a light in this world she was.
But her time had reached a point where it was time to let go, her journey completed, and allow her to go home.
She will always be remembered for what she gave out in bucket loads by sharing from within that openness that was ‘just Ali’.
And to really sum up her uniqueness, her coffin was 3D printed all over with a scene of a forest, the one thing that meant so much to her. It was beautiful 🙂
Thank you for commenting momus, very appreciated. Mark