Why Are We Here!

Danielle over at Graceful Addict asked me…’When you refer to “his” love – or “his” spirit of love – I assume you mean God but what does that mean to you ? Are we not all it ? As a collective maybe – to expand our consciousness – our souls/spirits/love – through the physical being? Big question I know – maybe a post if you are so moved to do so…Thank you Mark!’.

I started writing a comment back to her but…Spirit said…🤣

So, here is what I have touched, felt, heard and…become because of it…


Ok…yes…God’s love is all around in everything, and I mean everything. It’s like a frequency just all around. In the tree’s, rock’s, river and air…even us. In the spiritual state up there we become part of it, all of us together, but still an ‘us’ within it…but down here we have become ‘split’, that is the condition in this conditional world down here. We need to ‘feel’ this split so that we can see and appreciate God’s unconditional world back up there in that spiritual state up there.

One of the first things Spirit said to me was…we know everything as spirit…but we do not ‘know’ it. It is like reading all about the space shuttle. We would know all about it but have absolutely no idea of actually experiencing it. To go inside it, to fly it, to orbit in it, to land in it. These can only be understood in experiencing them all.

Love is exactly the same thing, we see it in so many ways…but cannot understand until we experience it. Hence being down here without it, split away from that perfect love ‘up there’. And in all our experiences truly appreciate what we have been given up there. Going through so much so we can ‘let go’ what doesn’t feel right and become what does. That love.

I have only ‘touched’ unconditional love up there very briefly. and once touched I just wanted to ‘let go down here’ and be there…but I was blocked. It gave me an understanding in that short moment to ‘feel’ and appreciate what is there after this down here. And there truly are no words for that unconditional love, it is so beautifully profound. But I knew that my appreciation of it was built from all that we touch down here…each and every step. It isn’t one or two things we experience because ‘all’ that we experience slowly leads us to that appreciation of just what we are becoming in this very journey. The good and the bad. We must feel sadness so that we can truly appreciate happiness…or with what would we measure it by. And they all have a purpose those many emotions, they all allow us to ‘see’ what love truly is by experiencing them all. And all experiences build those incredible parts of us to open to that love…the empathy and compassion this world teaches us.

And in our journey we have many expectations down here…but they help us find us. Every time we put an expectation anywhere, we feel it. And in that we either let it go or claim it, sometimes even letting it go further on in life. Until finally realizing they taught us well…but we no longer need them and let it all go in that final understanding. One cannot be reached without the other, it all comes down to an understanding of experiencing them all.

We have been given a very incredible opportunity to find that something within ourselves…unconditionally. Our choice each and every step. Much guidance by God’s Spirit (usually referred to as the Holy Spirit), within us…but even that is an acceptance or not. It has to be by us or it isn’t unconditional…it has been added to by ‘something else’ and not our own. Our Spirit within has been isolated (that probably isn’t the right word, more a blocking so we can go through what is needed so to speak but still connected), to find that beauty of what unconditional love is. In its acceptance in this journey is a re-connection with God’s Spirit. We can hear God’s Spirit, feel it and touch it, but it isn’t until we accept it unconditionally do we become a full part of it again. All of us, like a great big community. And I know this sounds odd but we are always a part of God’s Spirit…but…we don’t feel His unconditional love fully either. This journey is to rejoin with it. But it is there, it is just us blocking it down here. But the more open we become in that love, the closer we get to that ‘re-connection’ with God’s Spirit and His love, all together.

I have seemingly come across what seems to be contradictions to things in my journey…but I have seen that these things are simply because I didn’t understand. In the unconditional state up there I ‘knew’ everything. If I wanted to know something I just thought about it, and it was there. It was almost like all of our experiences down here are all put into a computer server somewhere and can be accessed from wherever I am in an instant. The full knowledge, the feelings, everything in an instant. That is a very hard thing to come to terms with down here, it just doesn’t seem possible. But up there it is. And I think because we are all connected up there and have that access to all.

And in my spiritual counseling I dare to ‘open’ to God’s Spirit and sometimes its hard because I still have ‘bits’ I’m hanging onto. But on those days that I’m truly open, I can ‘feel’ that love and the beauty of its guidance. If I try to control it in any way, it fades. If I just stand within it, it speaks. Much practice to get there…but first the negativities and fears of life to understand what I don’t want, so that I do want to step into that love. And yes, it is a hard world. But I know now that it does have a very beautiful purpose. Yes, I cheated and got to ‘feel’ unconditional love where most don’t…but I got dropped into something I wouldn’t wish on another soul too. But it was there that I saw…everything. I even had the audacity to ask God…’show me where love is on a world so devoid of it’. So He did. Beware what you ask for, you just might get it.

But even so, we all have our fears, and they are a terror to us all. But I am so glad I have taken each and every step that I have regardless…and yes, those very same fears too…because I can see they all are creating something wonderful. And when you see it, you too will be glad of each and every step you have ever taken 🤗❤️🙏

I hope that adds to it Danielle, if not ask away below and I’ll add whatever I know 🤗
P.S. Just an aside…Spirit has never spoken to me about reincarnation. Not that it isn’t there, it just isn’t needed for my journey I suppose so never came up 🤗


14 thoughts on “Why Are We Here!

  1. I find it interesting how when some people discover this love and see and feel the depth of love God and the universe have for them, that they then try to bottle it up, so to speak, and sell it to others as the “one way, or true way”. Yet our reality is not that one truth fits all, but that each of us needs to work to discover our own individual truth, for we each have different soul and life lessons to learn.

    We cannot lament “why do those hateful, hurtful people not see what they need to do in this life?”, for they have made their choices to think and live how they see fit, even if it is destructive towards others. Perhaps they will only learn after their time here is done, and God is working with them in a loving way in the Spirit realm, so they can see that the ways they chose were not what was needed for themselves or others around them.

    A soul’s journey and development is a individual choice of action and acceptance, some are blessed to see this in this lifetime, to then be able to practice and try to perfect it, while others will have their opportunities to develop later. I see God as so infinitely loving, that this impossibility is possible.

    1. Well spoken Tamara, and yes to that ever bottling up our love, afraid to open for fear of being hurt. Our fears do indeed have a very profound affect on our journey, they take us down a very long road…but…it is this very road and its experiences that slowly temper who and what we are so that we build that empathy and compassion, break free from its hold to finally touch what love really means.

      And very yes that it is a very unique and individual journey to find us, no two the same. I can guide in a general sense, and even more individually on a one on one…but…this path we take is built on us making our own choices so that an appreciation of what we are individually can be made. And because of that realize the love we have become because of us and the paths we choose.

      Some do find it so tough they can’t go beyond themselves, stand in their fear and give from that place. I, and you, and many others, share of what we are so any that feel lost may have a ‘hope’ in what we have all achieved in daring to go beyond our fears. Are there more ‘lives’ to achieve this understanding? I don’t know as Spirit has never mentioned it too me. But I have no doubt that many paths at least prod us all to ‘see’ something and go beyond it. I do think that one of the hardest things is to forgive ourselves in so many things. That seems to hold us in so many ways for so long. But isn’t that what love is, to find what we truly are inside and go beyond it into something very beautiful and profound.

      And oh definitely yes, so many impossibilities I’ve seen and touched. And I couldn’t see because I didn’t understand. There is so much in this world of unconditional love that it does ‘everything’ to guide us to its purity. Hence to get our hands dirty down here so that when they are washed we will truly appreciate what we have become. The one thing that always stands out in my mind was that ‘touch’ of unconditional love. There truly are no words, the only thing that comes to mind is that quote by God…’I am’…there is no justification, or rider or anything…it is that powerful and heartfelt a moment. And that everything is indeed possible.

      Thank you for your share Tamara, may this incredible experience be the making of us all regardless the path 🤗❤️🙏

  2. We can study and mediate for years and think we know … but as you say, we can only experience awakening beyond the thinking mind and intellect. That’s when a new reality opens up and changes us forever. Great share Mark. Thank you 💐🙏🥰

    1. Beautifully said Val, it is only when we are ready that it will begin to speak in a voice we will recognize. Thank you for sharing kind lady, may its destiny be that love we all look for 🤗❤️🙏

  3. WOW Mark…. I think that was the most profound piece of writing I have read, that explains Love and why we are here to experience it warts and all… No two experiences ever the same yet we are all working our way towards finding our hearts and allow them to be filled with unconditional love…
    Thank you for sharing your answer to Danielle.. ❤️
    Much love dear Mark 💖🙏✨

    1. My pleasure kind lady. It is, even among the mayhem…or more specifically because of them, that we are building that love and its understanding Sue. I thought the world was just out to get me. But slowly that wisdom…yes, even me…began to light up those dark places and allowed me to see something very beautiful and precious. When I saw what it was…I couldn’t speak a word for what I now saw was there. It was understanding, meaning and purpose, all wrapped in one.
      And thank you for ever sharing your journey kind lady, it too shows your love on a path held dear 🤗❤️🙏

      1. We all of us have to walk our walk before we can talk our talk.. 🙂 learning and growing as we go… What a Journey it has been and even all the shadows, have only shown us just how much light is possible..
        Much love Mark… ❤️

  4. Incredible insights Mark – and as always I read and re-read your posts. It takes time to process here – but in a very good way.

    I too have come to understand the part you share about us ultimately having all the answers down here – and once we ask – it truly is given.

    I think we are given the “illusion” of forgetting who and what we truly are – so we can have the experience to expand in finding that love. We can’t know it unless it is blocked and then we travel down every “yellow brick road” trying find it – line up with it – when everytime it leads us right back home…to our heart our spirit our grace – our power within to reconnect with what we thought we lost.

    Such great stuff Mark thank you again for being soooooo available to answer such questions.

    Much love and appreciation!

    1. Haha, I love your ‘yellow brick road’. It is exactly that though sometimes that lovely glow of light is dimmed sometimes. And what I explained in my experiences is a general guide, I have no doubt that each of us will have our own unique path to find us on that ‘yellow brick road’.

      And it does amaze me in how we always attract the very thing that is our bane in life, the one place that pokes and prods the sorest place within us so that we will eventually build enough courage to step beyond it. It’s so like Jesus died on the cross for us and in return we just have to accept His love, that unconditional place inside us all. But to go there we have to love ourselves first, go beyond those conditional things we hold against us, and in that understanding finally let go and be free.

      It is a big journey, but truly only then will we appreciate just what we have found by doing so. Thank you for your reply Danielle, a heart found speaks so differently from the one that was lost. But I have no doubt the love you are finding is making it worth every step you take. You path has tested you so much and those you love. Sometimes I wish there was a switch at the end and it will all go away…but I think we ever hold those scars ‘down here’ so that we will truly appreciate what it took in that journey to find the empathy, compassion and love that we have become…because of those very things.

      Now this bit I touched ‘up there’, the unconditional love all around…didn’t have time for all that went before, and whatever we do we stand in it. Do you remember when you first fell madly, deeply in love. You were on top of the world and you could move mountains, heal everything and there was no room for yucky bits…you were above it all. That (and a 100 times more up there), were so beyond it in that love. Are the scars there still? They probably are but that love takes you so far beyond it. In that too is a very beautiful and profound love.

      Hang in there kind lady, it is worth each and every step you take. He promises that.

      Much love to you and the man at your side, and an appreciation what you both share in your journey too 🤗❤️🙏

  5. Great answers to great questions, Mark! “One of the first things Spirit said to me was…we know everything as spirit…but we do not ‘know’ it.” Amen, Amen! That line stood out and really resonated with me. Many thanks for the beautiful share, my dear friend. Your personal experiences with higher consciousness and struggles with fear are always inspirational, relatable and moving. 🙏❤️🥰

    1. Thank you MM. I put myself in a place that tested me somewhat 🤣 But aren’t we all 😂 And as I faced myself I saw a couple of truths that my masks had covered over so I decided a rebuild was required. Plus I dared God to show me love. That took me places I would never have even remotely touched, simply because I didn’t understand. So I was guided to that understanding. So all those experiences gradually built an understanding so that I could reach that love within me. In fact it was a clearing out sale, remove all the junk so I could see again. And I shouldn’t say junk because it all has a purpose. And like any classes we slowly progress and go beyond what was there before. Thank you for sharing kind lady, may that place we reach for be that profoundly beautiful 🤗❤️🙏

  6. Beautiful response, Mark. As I read, I kept saying, “Yes,” in my mind. Everything resonated so profoundly. I’ll only add that I get the sense that there’s a sort of feedback loop of our experiences expanding the mind of the One while we shift our level of consciousness to connect to the One. I’ve had beings come into my healing sessions specifically to observe and learn (with permission). But more so, I’m surrounded by my healing team who supports me in transmuting consciousness. It’s my belief that we’re all here to experience whatever our soul wants to experience, without judgment.

    1. I have no doubt there is many more things than I have experienced kind lady, and yes to the feedback loop. I think it is all connected and even in that it has a purpose. I’ve even had ‘others’ like you mentioned and come into a healing session for whatever their reasons were. No interference just a loving connection to what was occurring. And also we are indeed down here to experience so much so that we can find that love and beauty in those experiences. Thank you for sharing, may this journey ever guide us heart and soul to that love 🤗❤️🙏

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