The Sound Love Makes!

‘When the heart speaks the conscious objections crumble in an instant, and there is nothing left to decide. There are no doubts and there is no insecurity. As long as there is doubt and insecurity, the heart has simply not spoken yet.’

I just read the above but it had no author attached so I went for look see on the internet and up popped a book called ‘The Enchanted World’ by Sylvia Hartmann. I read a part of it and it may be an interesting read πŸ˜€

Regardless the above is a very beautiful truth <3

47 thoughts on “The Sound Love Makes!

  1. Hello, Mark! Love the new look of your blog. Especially the white beautiful house. The sound of love is so pure that it melts away all worries and fears. May our hearts be blessed with love ❀️

    1. Hi Himali, and thank you for your lovely words. The words on this post are a distinct truth, you can ‘feel’ their power when you read them. And the picture is actually a ships lighthouse to guide ships up the coast with its big light flashing all around to guide them through fog and rain etc. It is no longer used as our radar technology is a little bit better than some lookout on a ship these days πŸ˜€
      It is near where I used to live so I thought as my blog acts as a guide for people just like the lighthouse used to, I would use it as my banner πŸ˜€
      Love and light to you also my friend, may you always find the light no matter how dark it gets ❀️

        1. Thank you kind lady, it is a picture I took of a local lighthouse. There are many of them up and down our coastline (no longer used any more), and are all painted in a blue and white theme with different murals painted on them.
          They do stand out and attract many, simply because they are the guardians of the views that go on forever. And when you stand beside them looking out to sea you ‘let go’ and enjoy the peace and beauty that they bring.
          Now all I have to do is paint myself blue and white with a little mural on my forehead, stand still and hug everyone who walks past me πŸ˜€ ❀️

            1. Thank you Himali, and they are a beauty beyond imagining. The ‘let go’ is that final understanding where we ‘see’ our truth, and finally love us, that struggle that life delivers, so we can ❀️

  2. LOVE your new blog look, Mark. As for the quote, that one I know to be absolute. When you cannot hear your Heart you’ve stepped out of the Flow of Life. Your Beacon of Light as your header is very appropriate for what you do here, dear friend. Sorry to hear about those gremlins … you are NOT alone! I just read a post about how this man is getting serious about WP and how it treats us. He went public on Twitter and the HE’s were begging him to go to email. Nope. He kept right on. MANY people are having trouble myself included. Don’t give up. Keep on fighting! (((HUGS)))!!! XOXO

    1. Thank you kind lady, I grabbed a new theme to see if the gremlins would disappear, which a couple did but the main hiccups still remain. I still have problems commenting and liking posts and I have lost so many contacts. Mind you, and as I said before, spirit is keeping me at a distance because ‘things’ are happening πŸ˜€
      My Lighthouse is from where I used to live and it is a beacon so it did seem appropriate for my blog. There are many changes coming in at the moment, old friends are disappearing, new circumstances arrive and I can feel something waiting on the periphery of my life. It feels like the path I’ve been waiting for…whatever that is πŸ˜€
      Thank you again Amy, I know your life too has been going through many changes and hardships. Sending many hugs and love that soon they settle into that inner love that holds us in those moments, and the peace of unconditional love ❀️ ❀️ XOXO

      1. I’d like to put my 2 cents in here, Mark. I have been sensing another dimension opening NOW. It is like a Golden River that has found a way to forge through the darkness. Within this River is LIFE and a higher frequency. Those of us who have prepared to live according to LOVE will be finding their way to this realm. I am. NOW. Only those who have adjusted their frequency to LOVE will be able to find this place. Or this place will find them. Just in the past few months, people of such kindness and caring and REAL Hearts have turned up in my life. I’ve been given the highest discount for my cat food because when the company heard what we are doing, they offered me this very good deal. Because of Cuddles’ death, I turned to a Vet I trust to ask for references for a family Vet and through this woman we have found a Vet who is so compassionate and very (!) smart and who believes in ALL what we do. She has done more in the two visits with her then all the previous Vets put together! Today, another company when they heard of what we are doing with our precious cats as we are, they are sending us $200 worth of product due to they do not have a discount program in place yet (which I am getting) and they did not wish for me to struggle with the prices (very high) until that discount is in place. I am stunned. Almost every person I have been meeting in the park has been on my wavelength. It’s starting to happen, dear friend. A true Revolution of the likes that has never been seen has begun and I am a part of it. LOVE and JOY are key to this realm. It’s real. And that, my friend, is what you are sensing. Yes you have been waiting for this all of your life!!! OH FOR THE UTMOST JOY!!!! My husband blips in and out of this realm and I have high hopes that he will stop being pulled back down into muck. It’s all about looking within, seeing, and changing. High frequency foods also are very very important. OH my goodness. Even though my Heart is breaking, I feel such Peace, such Love, such JOY. XOXOXO

        PS That $200 savings on products was my sign I’ve been waiting for. LONG STORY. But I bought my dream camera today! HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!

        1. Thank you dear lady, all of your news gratefully received. It does feel very different and most certainly from a much higher place. It’s touch is so warm and loving. I’m just clearing a little more ‘rubbish’ from my heart and diet to create that vacuum and align to its path…then the door will open when I am ready ❀️
          And as you have so beautifully said, in aligning with that love and truth, many doors will open ❀️
          I'm very glad that you have touched that beauty and I feel the change within you as you share what you have become. May that inner love give you strength and wisdom in the truth that it brings. Big hugs Amy XOX ❀️

          1. I am absolutely thrilled for you, Mark. From where I sit, you will experience this place/realm more often and for longer periods of time. None of us yet is able to sustain that frequency 24/7. At least not that I know of. How exciting to really be ALIVE at this time to witness this phenomenon as we truly walk into Heaven on Earth. ???

            1. A magic carpet ride I am looking forward to Amy. It feels like a completion of all that went before, a tuning if you will of bringing together all those frequencies that vibrate at those things we have all gone through and absorbed at different times to reach that balance, that unconditional love that is them all ❀️

              1. Niiiiiiice!!!! I just LOVE the way you put this into perspective. Yes, it is a compilation of ALL we have been through. This includes all the dark phases and how we proceeded through. Without the dark, there is no light. We know how to survive in the dark. And as we did, we transmuted that dark into something new, founded in LOVE. I don’t know about you, but I’ve worked so hard and so long for this! The more we focus on this “realm” and tuck away in every single one of our cells the knowing that this realm is ours for real, the more we will see it manifesting. How incredible to be alive right now. WOW!

                1. Yep! Hallelujah! πŸ˜€ It is one of those ‘can’t see the forest for the tree’s’ things as we go through life Amy…and now we begin to see the beauty that it all encompasses. Maybe a bit like the astronauts when they come back down to earth, they really ‘see’ our planet as it really is ‘from up there’ and know that we are on something very wondrous and beautiful, and we need to look after it and care for the only planet we’ve got ❀️

                  1. I’ve seen that Beauty for many years. And this Beauty is what I have been showing on my blog. Ya think, perhaps, maybe, that some have recognized that Beauty? Truthfully, I am the messenger …. and the rest is up to all those others who come to see what I post. And yes, this is the only planet we have …. at least for now. (smile)

                    1. Most certainly Amy, that magic you show through your lens is most certainly a beauty like no other. You’re slowly changing an attitude that is no longer sustainable if we wish to keep this big blue ball hurtling through space or we are going to go the way of the dodo and be lost forever. Keep your ‘views’ coming dear messenger, we don’t wish to miss any of the magic in your gift ❀️

  3. Hi Mark long time don’t see! Congratulations for the Blog new look it looks beautiful! I have redesigned mine too I am not sure if you visited since then! Hope all is well! πŸ™‚

    1. Hey Carolina, thank you and am I glad to see you. My site took a big dive and for months I haven’t been able to like, comment or even follow anyone. I wasn’t getting any emails from anyone’s posts even, I had lost everything. I’ve been going to many blogs but it won’t even let me re-follow so I resorted to re-theming my site to see if that would adjust ‘something’ but alas it has with some bits but it is still being , at best, useless. I’ve been able to get emails from about 10 people and lost about 200. I’m just deciding whether to cut my losses and start from scratch again but its like writing a book and losing it, to start again after all that work seems such a loss and a painful thing to redo.
      Anyway dear lady it is good to hear your voice and I will follow you back and see if I can try a re-follow again and have it stick πŸ˜€

      1. Glad to see you too Mark! Oh wow so you had a lots going on with your site! It’s sad if you lost your precious content all your beautiful old posts are lost? I agree in a way a Blog is like a writing a book of your journey and it is a lots of work! But what you can do? I guess you have to look at the “Now” and go on from here and new who you are your soul still here and you will write beautifully…

        1. Sorry, I didn’t explain that properly. I still have all my work, as in posts, thankfully πŸ˜€ But I meant all of the connecting with so many sites and friends that I have lost due to not being able to re-follow etc. I could press the follow button or make a comment but the software problem completely blocked those actions and refused to work. Its like clicking on a link that doesn’t do anything πŸ™
          It’s like being sent to Siberia with no communications and not being able to tell everyone where you are because of that cut off, I was lost in the wilderness. Anyway, it seems that as time has gone by I suddenly get one or two pop back up, like you, which allows me to ‘try again’ πŸ˜€
          And it is good to re-connect, I’ll just have to cross my fingers that you don’t disappear again. It has happened so many times I’m thinking the carrier pigeons would be better πŸ˜€

          1. Oh ok glad you have all your posts! And as you see you’re here so I am happy that we reconnected once again and hope to stay this way! I knew something was up when I haven’t seen you for awhile and since I know WordPress unfollow people game it happened to us time ago. So let’s hope for the best! πŸ˜‰

              1. Oh well…I see that you came across one of my old 2017 Happy Easter post! Isn’t Easter yet here and I wish I was still have my lovely bunny he passed away 2 months later that same year he walked the rainbow bridge I miss him every day but he still hopping in my heart! ❀️

                1. Oh I’m sorry Carolina, my blog is still doing crazy things, as is its owner. I followed back that sudden comment that bobbed up in my email, thankful that I had your blog address again, and also thinking it was a recent comment. I didn’t look at the date πŸ™
                  I thought you had brought another lovely pair of floppy ears into your heart. And of course that little bunny you had before will forever be there ❀️

  4. Yeah!! Mark, you did it, and loved that quote you found.. Love the new look.. A lighthouse a wonderful symbol. When one knows one heart, one just has to follow it..
    LOVE and Blessings dear Mark.. Fingers crossed the gremlins have vanished.. πŸ˜€ ❀️

    1. Hey Sue, thank you for your blessings dear lady, these gremlins are being quite persistent, I’m thinking of getting an exterminator πŸ˜€
      And thank you for your tick for the new site, the lighthouse is as you have said, that beacon to guide us home. It is in fact one of my pictures of a local lighthouse, this particular one has ‘what’ written on the side and there are a few others up and down the coast all painted the same blue and white but all with different sayings and murals painted on them. If I get the chance I’ll take a picture of them all and put them together in the gallery. And hopefully because of the views at each site I may get a few photos of some whales while I’m at it πŸ˜€ ❀️
      I hope all is well over your way, it must be beginning to warm up for you as it has finally turned cooler down this half of the globe and a break from that unbelievable heat ❀️

      1. Would love to see them all and the views Mark. We had a week of gales and storms, but hopefully this week we can get into the garden and get the potatoes planted πŸ˜€ And yes the heat I know has been intense for your Summer..
        Enjoy your week Mark. πŸ™‚

        1. Must be the change of seasons dear lady, we too have had horrendous storms that have dropped a month worth of rain in a couple of hours. When you get hail stones ranging in size between a golf ball and a cricket ball the weather is a little crazy. I know the car repairers are smiling at least πŸ˜€

    1. We all tend to speak what we think the ‘other’ wants to hear, either through fear or expectations (usually the same thing), and keep our mask firmly attached. But when we do really speak our truth, with integrity, it comes out very calm, soft and even though it may not be what the other person wants to hear, it will be recognised by the love it is given and at a minimum will break through the masks we all wear πŸ˜€
      Still ‘fiddling on the roof’ with this blog site Kristine, and I’ve recognised the problem in some software that is causing all the pain. I just have to speak to it with my truth and integrity…and then take it outside and drop it in the bin πŸ˜€
      Thank you for dropping by and saying hello, soon I will be back…I hope πŸ˜€

    1. Thank you Michele, it is good to have a say again. But alas there are still major bugs happening, I still can’t comment and like unless I do the wachacha while walking on my head. The new theme adjusted some bits which was great but I’m afraid it looks like major surgery πŸ˜€
      And I’m looking forward to reading that book myself, it should be interesting πŸ˜€

    1. My pleasure and thank you Val, they were lovely words. Maybe a little encouragement to keep going with these hiccups with the blog I’ve been having πŸ˜€
      Have a great day πŸ˜€

    1. Thank you kind sir, and not quite back yet. I got frustrated with the inaction so decided to throw something into the wind πŸ˜€
      Still got gremlins in the works. I just changed the theme to see if it would settle a couple of things, which it did, but there still needs an exterminator to get rid of some nasties πŸ˜€

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