
What is it? Is it that moment you look into anothers eyes, feel that touch inside that you think wow, is this it?
Or is it those moments where that ‘love’ pokes your heart with a terror beyond words as they walk out the door…forever?
Or maybe is it that place where you sit out in nature and truly feel at peace with its beautiful surrounds and touches you within it?
Or that loss when a friend after many, many years leaves for another town, another life?
Or the birth of a child, that connection that goes so beyond anything else that this world brings?

Or maybe…just maybe it is them all. Each takes us beyond what we are…it may be painful or such a profound moment but it asks you to look deeper at its beginning within you and asks a simple question of you…each time it happens. And slowly you see that you are changing, understanding some things slowly, some things fast. Each time some things grows a little more…empathy and compassion. Until one day an understanding lets you see that it all does indeed lead to that love, see that there is no such thing as a bad love…just a persistent caring so that you can see its purpose, understand that it wants you to be the most beautiful, loving person that you can be.

And the easiest way to explain it is this (and a comment I recently made to Erika to which Spirit said ‘a post’ πŸ˜€)… It’s like a baby with a dirty face, we try to wipe that dirt off and they twist and squirm saying ‘I’m alright’…but we know better…as does that unconditional love. Now…just sit still for a moment… ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

31 thoughts on “Love!

    1. Thank you kind lady, may your journey show love’s path πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™πŸ½

    1. Most certainly Michele, and one day those fears that hold us will be understood and let go. And there truly are no words for the beauty that then envelops us, it is something that opens us completely, lets everything go, and that love and happiness we have ever searched for…will show us that truth and a smile will be born inside that nothing can ever rub away again. Thank you for sharing that part of you kind lady πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  1. Beautifully written Mark with loving experience, of how life in all her diversity allows us to touch the depths of ourself through our experience… learning and remembering that’s what life is all about! Love❀️ Big hugs and gratitude from up hereπŸ₯°

    1. Thank you kind lady, and appreciated from that depth you currently feel. It is such a profound journey, touching us so deeply but thankfully so we can slowly understand its purpose and change because of it. Much love and light to you my friend, a big hug so you know there is much love from many on here who can feel for you and wish you all the best for such a powerful journey of the heart ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

    1. Thank you kind lady, and we do love to be loved…er, except maybe for that washer on the face thing. But an occasional squirm IS good for our souls πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  2. Even knowing how wonderful it can be, sometimes it’s difficult to stop squirming and allow yourself to be vulnerable. It’s a trust thing.

    1. Very well said Pam, trust is that love. The more we trust something the more we are open to it. And somehow we were never quite sure with that big human, she would force us to sleep when we didn’t want to, even after we told her with huge screams and crying…until we did. Even fed us while we were trying to burp, now come on, that’s torture. And don’t get me started on ‘that’ torture, I would wet my pants, get chaffed and scream up a storm…and she would just cuddle me and smile and say ‘it’s all right’, until she realized she had a handful of wet child. Hey, it wasn’t her backside πŸ˜€. Ah life dear lady, it can be a chaffing in so many ways…but slowly that trust will be built, even enough so that we can begin to see that most of our issues are just those things we don’t want so that when we do get what we do want we will appreciate them all the more because of it. Mind you, and in your case, being in a wheelchair must really test that ‘trusting’ of life to be in your circumstance. I can only say that down here is indeed a tester like no other, but what we take back is truly something else. It builds that empathy and compassion wherever we are so that we do build that inner love in so many ways. Thank you for sharing dear lady, may it show you that beauty wherever you are πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

    2. “There is no such thing as a bad love…” So true. It all serves a purpose and the purpose is to deepen (the love). If you can do it with the “bad love,” you can do it anywhere. Thank you β™‘

      1. And thank you Samantha, well said, and as your journey has so boldly gone. It touches us in so many ways…but so perfect for who we are. In the end when its light shows us ‘us’, it will indeed be seen for the perfection that it is. It so stunned me when it happened, a light came on in my heart and I could see the forest for the tree’s…and appreciated each and every step that I took, good and bad, because they made me ‘me’…all of them. Thank you for sharing dear lady, may its light always shine on you πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  3. The love and awareness you express here in a beautiful contemplation of what connects us to the meaningful and well-knowing mother, is perfect for the title β€œLove!” This is what we are all here for. Your deep understanding of love and its many expressions is a gift to share. That simple heart of the child shares with glee and nothing restricts us from the receiving of it! Thank you, Mark.

    1. And thank you kind lady for sharing your love. And we will understand eventually…but it is that experience of all those emotions, that building of empathy and compassion that will finally lead us to its destination. And there we will have our faces cleaned, our hearts opened and child like wonder in our eyes as we understand that each and every step was indeed the making of us. Finally understanding something so beautiful to be beyond words…and glad of it. May your steps find that child within kind lady, and set you free ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  4. Indeed Mark.. Love is indefinable as any one thing. How does one describe all the variations of feelings that encompass love..
    For it is all as you have described..

    The older I am.. the more I sit and feel love in all its forms around me… Opening up one’s heart shows us that love permeates every thing. And its often only our perception of it lacking, that leads us into those dark moments of despair..

    Many thanks dear Mark, for always, always, sharing your generous love with all of us ..
    Much love
    Sue ❀️ πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you dear Sue, it is a pleasure to share something I found. I’m like that child holding up a shell on the beach…look, look at this…all excited in its discovery. And slowly as life goes on more and more opens our eyes.
      Life will slowly emotionally harden us as we go through those many discoveries until it reaches a point that the empathy and compassion we have created in going through it all will open that hardness, show us that we actually have indeed been creating something wonderful so we begin to open again like that child. I think there is something in God’s words about becoming a child again, and for me that is what it feels like, each discovery of what is there I hold up for all to see. I can’t help it, it is so like that inner child to want to share something wonderful.
      And yes, and as you now know, there is indeed a glow inside that goes with it…a smile that ‘knows’ it does indeed all have a purpose, the good, the bad and even those things that leave us in tears, be it laughter or sadness. So kind lady, thank you for sharing your journey, giving hope to the many so that they can see that inner smile too. Much love to you also πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  5. I think, I remember the comment πŸ˜‰ Wow, Mark, that post was driven by Spirit definitely. Love has so many faces and facets. And your words made them all flow into each other to complete a bigger picture to understand what love could be. Love is everything, everthing that leads you inside of yourself. So much love is flowing from your lines. Thank you for drawing us closer to ourselves with your words, Mark πŸ’–

    1. Thank you Erika, it is hard to see in the beginning because of that emotional pain but with a great love it is ‘mothering’ us towards that love. And we do squirm and become upset by so many things simply because we don’t understand them…but we will, slowly…and sometimes fast because we dare to look πŸ˜€. And thank you for sharing a love we are all a family of, and one day will touch when we understand it has always been there but could not be seen so that we could go through this journey and find it inside us πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

    1. And glad to hear you also dear lady. We have a journey, undisclosed destination…but it will slowly tell us its beauty as time goes by until we are so looking forward to that arrival. May your journey share that love found πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  6. So beautiful Mark πŸ’πŸ™πŸ’– Your last lines fill my heart with love for you and everyone who was ever a baby πŸ₯°

    1. Thank you kind lady, and they are all cuties aren’t they? Well, occasionally we do get a little bit stroppy, but mum knows best…just as unconditional love does…we just aren’t aware of that yet πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

    1. Thank you kindly Michael, it is just a little message to let others know that there is indeed much purpose in our journey, courage to take another step and in fact, a reminder in many things that they have done that they can feel what I say because they have touched and felt these very things. May they remind you of your journey and the love you have already found…because you dared to allow that love to wipe your eyes clear πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  7. Beautifully written, Mark. Thank you for sharing your heart. I’m reminded of something Paulo Coelho wrote in the The Alchemist. β€œWhen we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” How beautiful the world becomes when we are surrounded by love πŸ’•πŸ•ŠπŸ’•

    1. Thank you Linda, and those words are too. It is an amazing thing that when ‘we’ feel great, the world is too…we just have to adjust that fear thing that drag us backwards. And we will because that is what this world is for, to show us that it is all about that love…or lack because we fight it. But in going through it births something within us beyond words…something we ever look for but don’t truly understand it…that love and happiness…and it is indeed ‘through’ that experience that the most profound love is waiting. Thank you for sharing dear lady, may your barriers crumble in knowing them πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

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