Understanding II – Fear!

Is it a monster, that dark thing in our closets? Or is it just a pathway through an unknown forest?
That ‘thing’ that we think that we can hold, bound, locked inside from the light…is fighting to break free.
That ‘thing’ is trying to tell us something.
That ‘thing’ is asking us to see something from a completely new place.
That ‘thing’ is a Yin to our Yang.
That ‘thing’ is our life in denial.
That ‘thing’ is a ‘condition’ so that we can learn to see.
That ‘thing’ is showing us how to appreciate life.
That ‘thing’ is helping us build courage, hope and faith.
That ‘thing’ is a series of very profound events.
That ‘thing’ is in fact given with a great love.
That ‘thing’ is the very thing that will guide us to our light.
That ‘thing’ is the gateway to our freedom.
That ‘thing’ is asking us to recognise our way home.
That ‘thing’ is an emotional map, we cannot truly ‘know’ what love is, without first ‘knowing’ what fear is.
That ‘thing’ is the pathway to unconditional love’s true understanding.
That ‘fear’ is enfolding us in its arms, so that we can ‘know’ the beauty that we are.
Know it, respect it, but most of all…listen to it. It has a secret to tell, and its wisdom will set you free.
❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

43 thoughts on “Understanding II – Fear!

    1. All of our emotions ask us to look deeper within ourselves. And as each is understood we can do no other but see ourselves within them. As each emotion is experienced only then can we see the wisdom in touching them both and realise that without just one of them…we are lost. We must ‘become’ the understanding of both sides, releasing those conditional judgements of an unknown side to become the balance of them all, to finally see the beauty that they all are wrapped in…that acceptance of them all that unconditional love is πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  1. Such a powerful post, Mark. If we don’t face our fears head-on, we can never be free. Free to try new things that we just might find we enjoy and that we’re really good at. Fear keeps us on lockdown and from learning lessons that would would better us. Many people are chained by their fear. Thank you for the reminder!

    1. Thank you Cherie, our fears are indeed our drivers to find our hearts, the true one that we cover over because of those very same fears. Mind you, there are so many other drivers in our lives too. Each time we fall madly in love it gives us hope and faith that ‘this is the one’ but they never seem to last or achieve that ‘great hope. Why? Simply because we don’t realise yet that no one else can do that, only we can achieve that perfect love by looking into our own hearts and seeing that it is only us that is blocking our love by those very fears we hold. We are afraid to love ourselves because we think we are not good enough, can’t do this or that or feel rejected and hold ourselves in some negativity that hold ‘our’ love at bay. The day we see through those lifelong fears from childhood and understand ‘why’ is the day we truly know and understand love. We will let go all those expectations we have of ourselves and others, in how we wanted to be loved, to see that they were all built on our fears. Once we understand them they lose their power over us, our eyes are truly, finally opened and we can see the truth of what we were, what we now are, and what we want to become. We stop ‘reacting’ to this world and begin to ‘create’, and that is what love is, a very natural blooming of our hearts, no longer a reaction to all those conditional fears around us πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

      1. Wow! I love your reply because I know it’s so true. You see? I was severely bullied from sixth grade until I switched schools during my senior year. During that time, I lived in constant fear- fear of being attacked, fear of being alone, and fear of being unloved because I knew that I was unloved. I lived in fear for many years until my thirties, when I decided that my fear was causing me to only exist and not live life to the fullest. That’s when my life began to change for the better!

        Today, I no longer care about the things I cared about when I was young and I refuse to live in fear. Now, I love to try new things and meet new people. I’m no longer that painfully shy girl I was in school. I now use the bullying I suffered to help those who are bullied today.

        I’ve found my purpose and what I love to do and it’s so rewarding!

        Thank you so much, Mark! You don’t know how much your reply put a smile on my face!

        1. To find that self love through our fear is a magic indeed Cherie, it brings a smile I cannot describe because it is of the heart and the love it has now found ❀️
          Good luck with the helping and sharing of your journey to others, that is a love all its own πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

            1. Just follow your heart dear lady, it speaks a language all its own ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  2. Mark, I believe this post is one of the most profound posts I have ever read. No make that, these words of yours are some of the most profound I have ever read period. Is it a monster or is it a path through an unknown woods? Both I think. For in accepting that part of us that pricks and prods and spits out fear, that is the very part of us that will lead us to complete freedom. Hard? Very! Scary? Oh yes! Does it make you want to quit? Emphatically yes! Yet to keep going with the courage you find wayyyyy down deep, you keep pushing through, examine that monster to understand its origins and purpose as you keep walking one step at a time carefully through woods that at times instills complete terror in your soul. Painful? Heart wrenching! Yet again to not continue would only cheat ourself out of a glorious reality, one that is pretty darn close in comparison to Heaven on the other side of the Veil.
    I wish not to add anything to your profound wisdom, Mark. I’m blown away by your words that I know were birthed from a place of great pressure and intensity. It reminds me of how a diamond is created … it starts out as coal and then under great pressure, a beautiful diamond is formed. I want to very much copy your words and print them out to put on my fridge. Do I have your permission to do so? When the going gets tough for me I would love to have your words ready to read so that I can gain the momentum needed to keep moving forward through the mine field.
    I’ve read your words multiple times and every time my amazement never faded. Wow! Completely I am in awe of you! To not only have gone through this transformation but to be able to put into words your journey …. to me you are a Master complete. Be proud of how far you have come.

    1. Ah dear lady, to hear your journey in your voice. To know you have trod that path and can ‘see’ where only those who have been through that forest before you and ‘know’ that it is indeed the path of a diamond. And we do (from your words) begin as a black, lumpy and dirty piece of coal…but as the pressure grows it slowly becomes clearer, slowly changes its heart to become that glittering rainbow of wisdom to shine all round…just by being us. Your words make me smile my friend, to hear a smile beating from that place within is indeed an excitement to behold, and I am very glad your coming through ‘life’ to appreciate it from that ‘other side’ and can smile while the world goes on as it does.
      You most certainly can use my words dear lady, they were given to me freely and with much love. I can do no other than share with a ‘lady of the woods’ to inspire your day, just as you do for me with your pictures.
      Thank you for your words Amy (I’ve stopped blushing I think 🀣), but I am proud of making the change as I can look back and see it is indeed a hard task master for us all, and we should be proud. Even if we don’t think we have done anything, trust me, the heart no longer beats to that old drum of fear in each step we take. It is a courageous journey indeed and we all should hold our heads high, it is only then that we recognise our worth and the freedom of that inner love waiting for us all ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

      1. The untapped wisdom yet you hold within you, Mark, I await with eager anticipation to read. Now that you have broken through the layers of dross that have kept you from the Infinitely bottomless Well of Wisdom, the Communications shall increase. Know only those who have done the footwork prior to this Golden Place are entitled to tap into Divinity. I “feel” we both are stepping into a World unlike any other we have yet experienced.
        I AM putting your words on my refrigerator to read whenever my eyes happen upon them. You are a conduit to the Higher Energy and it is such a JOY to witness.
        Today I go to step into a World of Color and Awe at a park of my choosing. I have two others that await my arrival when my heart directs me to. It’s clouding up nicely, a condition that I prefer to that of sun when I am capturing Fall colors for in the “dark” that is when the colors pop. Interesting, yes? The phenomenon of LIGHT does not ever cease to intrigue me. Much love to you this day!! xoxoxo

        1. Thank you Amy, it is indeed a beautiful thing to touch that inner light. Gradually we will all make that step but as you are aware, it takes heart to step into our fear, understand it, and go beyond into that light. It is designed so incredibly so that we will avoid it most of our lives, simply because who wants to be hurt. But it is actually in avoiding it that it becomes such an inner pain and because of that, a great breakthrough and appreciation of what we have endured to allows us to see that wisdom of understanding.
          Your wisdom is shining dear lady, in heart and camera. May that found gift always light your path, in forest or heart ❀️
          Much love to you also my friend, have a lovely day in the beauty of fall’s delight xoxo πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ¦‹

  3. Wonderful words, Wise as always Mark… Humanity has no idea of the value we are being given as we face that fear right now, to face that Fear square in the face, and see it has no power over our Spirits..
    For Souls such as ourselves, we, who have done much of our inner work in shedding the layers of fearfulness, can step outside of the box and see ‘That Thing’ for what it is… however most people have no clue at all in that Understanding we have come to know… So the fear eats at them, driving them to reactions they would perhaps not do if they held our perspective…

    Wonderful to be back within WordPress again for a little while Mark… I guess you could say I took a Hiatus for a little while from being in the technical world as much…
    Enjoying our Indian Summer weather while it lasted, all be it with gales in between….

    I trust you are well Mark, my thoughts have been centred on your part of the world… As the Fear is about to be ramped higher here also within our part of the world..

    Sending you much love dear Friend…. So happy to see another post from your good self… Blessings your way …
    Huge Hugs… Sue πŸ’šπŸ™πŸ’œ

    1. Thank you Sue, and the fear is indeed pushing many boundaries but it is needed to break through those things we hold inside. Change is hard but as you so well know, it is the making of us.
      I listen to your words of our journey and see much wisdom my friend, and it gladdens me to hear it. And like you I have been quiet on this current path simply because we can put out there ‘what is’ but it can only be drank when they are thirsty. So I too went back to me and did a little ‘digging’ in my garden πŸ˜€
      I wasn’t sure in the beginning to what part to play in all that was happening at the moment but as soon as I started it really did not feel right and since then spirit is blocking, each time I try anything my computer will break down or an urgent healing will come up or I can’t get to a site (Barbara) or something somewhere is blocking. Now I can be very persistent but even I finally heard the ‘let them go’ and just be me. So I even just did a couple of ‘normal’ posts and it all went smoothly. I think if I had focused on the virus and its antics I would have moved beyond that underlying truth that I do and lost my focus.
      Beyond all that, the sun is beginning to shine nicely down here, the swans are returning on the lake and the urge to meditate again is upon me. I have been a little slack in that department for a while. Maybe that is the problem, not enough me in the equation πŸ˜€
      Anyway Sue, thank you for your blessings dear lady and I hope your world is ‘handling’ things with the love it should. Maybe some tea and scones in your garden with its earthiness and grounding will bring peace and love to many.
      Much love to you my friend along with many hugs from the heart also ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

      1. Wonderful Mark, I know exactly what you mean…. I wrote several pieces only to tare them back up… But I have I think come to a sort of compromise as I write about Fear and truth without mentioning the topic if you get my drift…
        So today my head seems clearer… I hand wrote a long piece a few nights ago and I am not in the process of editing it to condense my thoughts further…
        I can no longer Keep silent, yet with all the horrors I do know, I can not spread that negative vibe around either…
        We walk a fine line trying to keep the balance, doing what we feel instinctively to be right, while holding that truth and light of our higher consciousness…
        People are not ready to know the truth, for its too horrendous to go there so they would shut it out… unbelieving the level of Evil and Darkness, or those who are household names etc….
        I see why spirit blocks… I understand why I too had to withdraw into my inner Higher perspective to grasp a firmer hold on reality and how best to present Truth without it seeming as though I had flew out of the cuckoo’s nest.. πŸ™‚
        I am happy your warmer season and sunshine is springing forth… Just as ours is cooling down as the leaves turn and that autumn nip slips in with the heavy morning dew..
        Thank YOU dear Mark for being you, for understanding, how this has to all unfold for the great awakening to ever begin… They have to be shaken and stirred, ( no olive’s though lol ) And when people truly awaken, they will see the script of the world has been even more bizarre than any Bond Movie.

        Much love and take care my friend… β€οΈπŸ™πŸ’š

        1. It is an interesting time indeed dear lady and I think it will amaze us to look back at this time and realise what we have become because of it.
          And most certainly follow your heart my friend, that is what it is for. She will guide you to help the many in whatever way it feels right.
          Me personally, I have ‘touched’ something that has me at odds with a direction. I pray that it is resolved as it may, and I am released from its hold. I have this ‘feeling’ that it will be quite a shock and the change will be abrupt. Hopefully it is only for me and not a more ‘universal’ thing.
          Anyway dear lady, thank you for sharing the heart of a rebirth. You sound as a wise soldier of love should πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

          1. Bless you Mark, I thank you for that encouragement… I have battled with my conscience, but my heart is telling me now is that time, to share my thoughts…. I hope as I unravel them, others will take a deeper look beyond the surface webs we’ve all been part of weaving… To see a hidden layer that lays in all of us, that needs bringing to the light to heal…
            Much love dear Mark, I so value your wisdom, and I am sure also your own guidance will allow your own words to bring about that clarity of truth we all seek..

            1. Blessings to you also dear lady, our journey will indeed find that healing of our hearts to set us free.
              As you express the beauty and wisdom you have found it will mirror and heal others. That is unconditional, may it ever set you free ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

  4. It is interesting, for some reason your post and all comments appear in German. I don’t complain…lol.
    However, you display it so wonderfully what important tool fear is. Yes, we need to overcome it in order to free ourselves from limitations. But only because there is fear, we recognize that there is something to be overcome and that we are limited. This is such an important and profound insight which in simiply understanding can lead to the biggest breakthroughs! Thank you for this wonderful post, Mark!

    1. I thought it would be a great idea to stick a translator plugin into my site so that other ‘languages’ can read my posts. It must think your German? If that is a pain, as there is nothing worse than wanting to read a post but you have to translate it first and even then it doesn’t come out real good in its translation and loses its meaning. Just say so please, as I have been contemplating its removal anyway thanks.
      And my pleasure dear lady, as I said to Val, we ‘demonize’ fear and avoid it as much as possible…but…it is guiding us toward that love and light gently waiting inside us to be freed. Our survival instinct is the one fear (of dying), that forever guides us to stay alive in all that we do, go beyond just being human and slowly become ‘better’ in all that we touch, feel and dream of. All the time fighting this invisible ‘thing’ that only wants us to find that love, be all that we can be.
      Everything has its opposite and fear is love’s opposite…but one cannot be achieved without the other, its inner meaning cannot be perceived without its other. Hard yes, but the beauty that it will show us is beyond words.
      May our tongues be tied, our eyes to see and our hearts be ever opened πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

      1. Haha, you are funny! The system seems to be smart enough to understand that Liechtenstein is a country where people speak German… so all is well! AND I can confirm that the translation is really good!! It is a great idea. I was not aware that WordPress has such translation plugins. I will have to check it out for my blog as well!
        I think the big insight is to understand fear as a barometer to see what we have to improve and not as a reason to be controlled by a force that actually is up to us to be controlled!
        Overcoming fears, growing out of yourself and understanding that fear is in our own control by the way we think and choose, is the most amazing liberation and most empowering!

        1. It most certainly is dear lady, it builds our courage in asking us to face it, only then can we remove its walls. And in doing so finally see the beauty that has always been inside us and in doing so understand what ‘unconditional’ love is by the very act of removing those ‘conditions’ (of fear) of our love, we place on ourselves.
          Have fun with the plugin, if I remember correctly it was a Google translator plugin for WordPress. You are the first feedback I’ve had on it so I suppose it must be working…or everyone has run away πŸ˜‚ 🀣

          1. Your post shows again that the opposite of love is fear like two ends of the same string. We can move more towards the one or to the other side and we learn to understand both.
            Yes, it works great! πŸ‘

            1. Exactly Ericka, it is a very big and beautiful love tester of ourselves. We can be afraid of it but each time we move closer to understanding it, we get a very large opening in our hearts to feel what is truly within it. The day we do finally see and understand it will be the day that it loses its power over us…simply because we have changed in that understanding and see it differently. We will no longer hold that condition over our hearts and for the first time become that unconditional we have always searched for…and be truly free of it all ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ
              And just a side note…on that very day I saw it truly…so many things changed. I had never understood rebirth, I thought it was some religious ‘event’ to pretty up something that I would never see or understand or for that matter even existed. But on that day and for a long time afterwards each and every time I took a step, cleaned my teeth, walked among the tree’s or even spoke to another…it was no longer me. I mean it was me, but no longer holding so much weight against my chest. I was forever changed in that one moment, and the overpowering thing was I had let it all go, emotionally, physically and even those walls in my spirituality. I was so happy to be free, I was glad to now ‘see’ my fight in others and my heart went out to them in great empathy. The judgement stopped for I could see their hearts just as I had been blocked, and knew it was for an amazing purpose. And yes, I could see that fear has such a beautiful place in our journey, to ask us to look deeper and understand us…and finally become something wonderful.
              May your heart touch that place kind lady, under it all is the most beautiful place you could ever be ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

              1. I hear you so very well, Mark. The day when I realized that fear is just a thought but not a truth was the day when I started living. It sounds dramatically but it was that way. I only felt what freedom means, what possibilities mean, that we are truly limitless. It is like being reborn.
                It is interesting because I felt the same way about rebirth. But with every step on the path it made so much more sense until it has become a truth and actually fact as part of our existence and journey to me. Still fear can put chains on me BUT I recognize it and that is when I can embrace fear as a loving way of pushing me forward. It is my choice how far I want to go and I am fully aware that if I decide against it, the limits are naturally given and there is no one to blame. All is well, all is in perfect order!
                Much love to you, Mark πŸ’–

                1. And thank you for sharing your journey kind lady, it is a wisdom for us all ❀️
                  May that light found ever hold you in its love unconditionally ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

  5. Such a powerful post Mark. We can all relate to the thing, yet facing our fear is something that so many of us turn away from. So relevant for these times, especially here in the US. Thank you for sharing this gift πŸ’. πŸ™

    1. My pleasure Val. I am just trying to show that we ‘demonize’ fear (in our fear of it), when it is in fact giving us something that is the one guide in the universe to where we wish to go. Yes, it is meant to be difficult or we wouldn’t appreciate what we have been through. The day I saw my fear for what it was…it sat me on my butt in total shock…but also with such a profound understanding of its purpose.
      It is like one of God’s helpers, the one that says I will do this and become fear for everyone unconditionally. And proceeds to poke and prod us so that we will find that inner love waiting for us…but be profoundly abused, yelled at, cried over and just be thought of as the worst possible thing in everyone’s life.
      But in truth, without it, we would be lost. Never asking anything of ourselves and just stay un-stimulated in life, never to go beyond what we are.
      People cannot see that it is the instigator of everything, especially the survival instinct. It is the core activator of our lives down here, slowly leading us to be better and find that light that will show us the love we always seek πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

  6. God does not ask more of us than we can handle. We just don’t know that until we look back. Then we can see that He was with us the entire time. We are never alone.

    1. Most certainly not dear lady, He gives us a nudge to get started so that we can be the best we can. It’s just that we judge ourselves as not good enough, place a condition on that love He gives us. That is the task given, whatever we do.
      Thank you for sharing Pam, may your task always hold that love He gave πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

  7. Great words Mark….And so true. Right now fear seems to be winning out but if we look more deeply and pay close attention, we can see people turning away from fear and begin searching for something better. I don’t think they realize yet it is love they are seeking but given time I hope this becomes our new path out of the darkness. Thanks for sharing Mark. Happy weekend to you and blessings to you as well….VK ❀️

    1. Thank you for sharing kind lady, and thank you for your kind blessings. This time in our lives is a generational thing where the many ‘see’ something within themselves, ask of themselves their worth and meaning in life. Unless we are ‘pushed’ by circumstances into our fear we won’t go there…but this time now…is very confronting indeed. Only then will we appreciate what we really do have in our lives and love from that changed place. It is guiding us by showing what we truly hold within, those walls that block the love and happiness we always seek, and by facing them it will set us free πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

    1. Believe me dear lady, it has a heart of gold. God doesn’t give us anything that isn’t based on love. It is indeed the one thing that builds in us a courage and belief to look deeper and understand what it is…and in that discovery is something wonderful…us. Without it, we wouldn’t look πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

        1. And thank you for sharing dear lady…and welcome home! πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

  8. When I was a little girl I had vivid nightmares where the monsters would come from under my bed and closet. I didn’t listen to them. I just pulled the covers over my head and cried out. I think if I would have just lowered the covers and listened to them maybe I would have learned that it was fear itself that I was afraid of and they would have stopped visiting me. Even little children need to be taught to face their fears and learn from them. Great post Mark! xo

    1. Great reply Michele. That childhood is the very builder of it, so that we will have the courage to later look within. And in that very act shows us that hope and faith that we can overcome…anything that our hearts believe.
      It is there so that we will learn, without it we dare nothing and will believe we are good enough when in truth we have not appreciated what we are.
      Thank you for sharing dear lady, may your monsters only ever wish to talk from the heart πŸ˜€ ❀️ πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ¦‹

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