I Feel!
This post was triggered by a post Mary’s Room over at SaaniaSparkle the lady of philosophy. Her story asks us…what are the ‘senses’ really within us. And I went to reply but my answer soon turned into a post so with thanks to the young lady…
The ‘senses’ are most certainly beyond mere words, the brain is wired with so many personal individual associations as well as that inner being who is a ‘sense’ organ all within itself.
The ‘I feel’ that we all use 24hrs a day is so much a part of us that we give it no heed, not realising it is the very thing we use when we ‘feel’ uncomfortable when we are somewhere but no obvious reason or feel danger but nothing is there.
We are a ‘feeling’ radar and sense so many things, hence why there is so much pain in a relationship breakup. Hey, its just two people going there own ways, why the pain. Simply because we have integrated who we are with another. We aren’t a contained unit, pack our bags and walk away. We have ‘become’ something that is shared in so many ways.
Our energy of senses and feeling are who we are, the human ‘being’ who is built this way so that we can adventure, feel, sense and experience all that this world gives and become something more, something greater than what we were. By experiencing the conditions that this world is, we learn to release them and become something beyond the black and white of the books, we reach an inner place that is happy, at peace and a beautiful love because we have felt our own pain, understood it and in releasing it have completed the journey by finally loving ourselves in that understanding.
And in doing that we are now totally open and ‘feeling’ everything, no longer any fearful walls to snag on anything and hold its pain because we have cleared any blockages and can now ‘sense’ everything…and glad to because everything before was filtered by those fears.
And once cleared another world opens, and it can ‘sense’ a hundred times more than what went before. The colors of a butterfly now become amazing, its fluttering takes on new motion…and the integration that we are now becoming…is a whole new world because we can now ‘sense’ the butterfly AND the flower AND nature AND us, all a part of an amazing, beautiful sensory organ that to put into words would belittle it.
I never used to understand the ‘I AM’, it was always the…I am tired, I am running, I am singing etc, etc. But once I experienced my journey and found and understood the fear that held me back, I finally realised it was a very profound acceptance of who I had become…because of all that.
I now ‘feel’, and that really means I have become, the ‘I AM’…it is an amazing adventure from the beginning to the end using all those ‘senses’. To be so conditional in so many things which actually creates the unconditional we always ‘feel’ drawn to, that constant feeling of wanting to be happy, to be loved and at peace within ourselves is the ‘I feel’ that is as natural as breathing.
I suppose it is like being madly in love with someone, putting that into words is not as easy as it sounds. Our words explain much, but our feelings, our senses, are so much more.
Wait till you love yourself…that ‘feeling’ is beyond words ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
I remember sitting in my new class, reading and healing energy, and listening to my teacher talk about feeling. It’s all about feeling rather than thinking that will help us explore and discover ourselves in the world❤️
Hearing this was very mind boggling as I really didn’t understand. To feel, rather than to touch… was a new sense.
I trusted my teacher, he seemed a rebel like myself in that he didn’t follow anyone or anything, it was about him discovering his own truth. AND gradually, enjoying many years with him in our small class, my robotic 5 human senses began to blossom into feeling, intuiting and knowing.
It would take many years and dealing with many layers of conditioning, going deeper into myself that I came to feel and be one with my divine, IAM, love… that pool of love that resides in the core of all Humanity.
In this new beingness, all my 6 senses took on a new experience, heightened and vibrant and so much more, that like you say cannot be spoken.
AND then comes along doubt and we lose it, until we step out of the untruth.
Looking back through my journey is a delight and quite magical and keeps me excited, like yourself and other dear friends here, to live our truth… even through the dark nights that can still show… but we allow ourselves to respond as the Master and Creatir we each are… embracing all of ourselves and observing the Human transform quite magically🥰
Thankyou mark for your sensual story… it is great how we all inspire and support ourselves and each other on this Divine and Human journey❤️ 🙏 much love x Barbara x
It is a most sharing journey dear lady, as you have so eloquently spoken. The many things we ‘touch’ with our hearts is an adventure indeed. From those many painful ‘bits’ that make up our story until from their ashes a phoenix of light shall emerge…and even then begin again into another new world.
I keep thinking of that onion, the one we unpeel to a new surface, seeing what it had been built on before understanding it and letting that layer go…to find another beneath it. And as you said, understanding the new feelings with it until you come to something that just ‘is’, the ‘I am’ that has been waiting for us.
To know and understand conditional is the only way to know understand unconditional…and its love is the ‘I AM’ of us all ❤️
Thank you for sharing Barbara…a part of me, a part of you ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 xox
Love this message about the importance of a healthy balance between self-care and self-actualization! I AM is how GD self-identified to Moses in Exodus — that’s how the Hebrew name GD gave to Moses translates. I made my blog private — please send a request to join if you’d still like to comment and reflect on the posts. I AM always thankful when you stop by to reflect. 😊
It is an interesting journey to go through down here, the many layers of awakening to finally realise that all those stories do in fact have a basis in something wonderful. A land far away…that gets closer and closer until we step on its shores and finally become a part of what we truly are ❤️
Thank you for sharing, I shall take a step towards your land 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Dear Mark. I came back wondering if I had missed a new update, and then realised I hadn’t caught this earlier post before your theme changed..
A profound post, and I can agree with you.. Once that you open that door to your inner heart of I AM all there is…. Your wings open and we are no longer the caterpillar munching away beneath cabbage leaves.. But we then fly to expand our horizon to see just what was waiting all along above the cabbage patch..
Much love my dear friend… Enjoyed reading .. ( Funny how you spoke of the butterfly so well, The butterfly is the subject of the painting I completed last week… In the transformation process) that followed my New Earth Painting 🙂 .
Love and Blessings your way 🙏💜
Thank you dear lady, the previous theme was having a few problems and even this one is not a ‘balanced’ theme. I’m beginning to think it is my load of WordPress or one of the plugins I’ve loaded into it. Time to get serious I think and eliminate a few to see if it wants to play nicely 😀
And thank you for your lovely comment. Our butterflies are most certainly an emblem of that change we all go through, a breakthrough to find that we are no longer that caterpillar but something more wonderful, beautiful and free ❤️
Love and light to you also Sue, may your wings keep you free 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Indeed Mark… flexing my wings… And hope your gremlins soon leave you alone my friend.. Enjoy your day as its now well past my bedtime.. 🙂 🙏🌈🦋
Then have a lovely, peaceful sleep dear lady…fly free ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Beautifully said Mark! Love this post…so very true. ❤️
Thank you kind lady, and I know your ‘I Feel’ is attuned nicely. A Wabbit Whisperer can only be in that place to share that gift 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Excellent thoughts throughout this post, Mark. Feelings are the basis for life, at least that is my understanding. It is also a challenge to stay in the I AM presence within especially with the constant bombardment of fear, terror, violence, corruption, and rules that squash our freedoms to a pulp prevalent in our world today. I understand explicitly why Spirit has trained me for years to create my own life based on I AM. It is a constant give and take of late to keep me in my I AM vibration and to only focus and generate my feelings within my home, family and Mother. I’m also understanding that the “healing journey” is truly never ending until the I AM is sustained for all eternity. Our goal as Divine Beings is to learn Love, to be Love, and to live Love. I love the flow of the I AM feeling, dear friend. For that is here Home is found and peace as well.
Thank you so much for shining your light in this dark encrusted world. See through the drama to find the Beauty that truly does exist. I AM. (smile) xo
You most certainly are ‘I AM’ dear lady. And you have been guided in a world that teaches. Yes, barbaric at times but those conditions show us the way ‘not’ to be, and that the love within everything is our natural way of being…and is the way home. And as we embrace that love by not holding any of those fearful things any more, we stop reacting to this world and begin to create from within. Just like that gorgeous rose you showed on your post today dear lady, she just ‘is’ and you can feel her heart forever ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
And speaking of learning to love, that amazing adventure with a mother groundhog was amazing. Now that is love in action, for everyone ❤️
Thank you for sharing your heart dear lady, especially each time you take a picture of ‘Mother’ 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
I so agree with you, Mark, that what is transpiring today is exactly what is required for all of us to stop reacting and to learn to create our own life in the way we choose. Evil has always existed in this world and the more we focus on that and get upset by it, the more we feed it and give it more power. This is why it is so important for all of us to avert our eyes from the nightmarish drama and instead to invest in ourselves, our hearts, our souls. Some of my lessons of late, dear friend, have been some of if not the most difficult ones of my life. I told my sister just yesterday that there have been days I question if I can continue to live in a world that is so bent on being insane. When I surround myself, as my husband is learning, with those things of the Natural World, we become peace, we become love, and all is right in our world. There is such power and love and beauty around me all the time, Mark, that I find myself just about falling to my knees in gratitude. I AM so grateful for having done the work so that I AM experiencing heaven on earth in the midst of such horrendous circumstances. My posts reflect who I have become and as a friend pointed out, as I think you would agree, I have messages interwoven in my story for those whose eyes are open.
Thank YOU for sharing your heart as well. I AM who I AM and there is nothing anyone can do to that denies that fact. So much love to you! BIG HUGS!!! xoxoxo
You are on a very beautiful journey dear lady, love is sharing what it is in everything you do. Each step, each decision is taking us home, away from those things that do have their place but are no longer what we are.
You are singing in the rain dear lady, no longer getting wet. It is the way we are towards things that say who we are, and if you can sing instead of feeling wet you are certainly on your way my friend. Enjoy the journey 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Mark, I owe you a huge thank you for it is you who reminded me this present time is not about me, but the collective rather who have not returned to love. Oh yes there have been multiple lessons for me as well but to disconnect from the general populous is mandatory for me. That is what I have done and will continue to do as I go about in MY LIFE creating from my heart and in love. I had been in fighting mode and the terror involved there are no words for. I’ve put down my sword and picked up my torch of light choosing instead to act from peace and love in all areas of my life, intending no matter where my feet walk, that is where my Seeds of Love are planted. Bless you from the bottom of my heart for assisting me to come to terms with the horrors in today’s world. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xo
Your heart is speaking to you young lady, it needed to show you something first before it was time to understand, as it does for us all. And your journey has been exactly as was needed, a great heart, a fighting spirit and an ability to look at ourselves. You have done that dear lady, with great love. Your awareness now has seen what was needed so it will now come to you from a different direction. Where before was a reaction to the world, you can now see where you were, and so let go of what is no longer you. That will in fact come up now and again but only to show how far you have come past it. Be proud of that, it is a very big marker in your life to begin to ‘see’ where before was blocked by your fears ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Take a bow my friend, and begin the journey of peace in your heart and a new love for you. And BIG (((HUGS)))!!! back dear lady, enjoy the new journey xox 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
I have tears in my eyes. This journey has been so terrifying and so difficult as I saw the deliberate evil behind the smokescreens. I took it personally. No longer is that true. All these years I have known I have been coming from a state of love yet most that cross my path were not. This drama (s) are for them not me. Even knowing that what I had been so looking forward to, the gym reopening is being controlled by government so that I still have to wait for my PT, even this, I will NOT NOT NOT carry anger around. At first however, I was furious. Today no. I am powering up my camera batteries and when finished with my morning routine, am going to a park to be ONE with Mother. I also continue to do what I can at home to assist this body not to fail me.
Our conversations back and forth have helped me immensely, Mark. Let us toast to light and to love and to peace. Sending so much love to you again!! xo
It is a dark, hard journey my friend, but it must be to drag our fears out into the light. You explained it so beautifully at Barbara’s site where you realised your reactions were from your childhood drama’s and the fears that they built. To actually ‘see’ that cause is a triumph Amy. Our fears block so that we react, react, react so that we learn by them. It may come knocking day in and day out, but one day you will see a crack, as you have done, and see what it is exactly that held us in its grip for so long. Once you understand it, it loses its power over you because now you realise it was just the fears of a very young child, one who thought that they were not loved so they reacted by building a wall, an emotional wall to protect them. And once understood you have weakened it and cracks begin to appear within it. And a new light comes through, and this light is built on love…your love because you now understand why you felt as you did and now realise it is not you that was the problem, that blame that has always kept self love at bay. You can now forgive your actions, others actions, and most of all you will realise that all of those things needed to happen so that you COULD come to this understanding, release those conditions you had placed on yourself and now begin to stand in that unconditional love we have all searched for all our lives ❤️
Take a bow my friend and have faith in what you have now discovered. Your heart is now free 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
I AM the light of this world and whoever shall see that light will be touched by love. The deepest wounds, dear friend, are the most incredibly difficult ones to bring to the surface and heal. To feel this ease is such a relief. To be aware now of my emotions and my reactions is key to my peace. This journey continues to unfold in a way I did not think possible. I AM no longer willing to be pulled into this global drama for I AM LOVE. God bless you for everything you have done for me. I take these words that flowed between the two of us and I bring them with me to Mother where I release them gently to the breezes of Love. The world is in such need of understanding that dark will not defeat dark …. only light will. xoxoxoxo
Those hard parts are most certainly the making of us Amy. Love and light for your journey dear lady, it is a beautiful achievement to see someone stand in their truth after such a ‘dark night of the soul’ ❤️ 🙏🏽
That truth within is even manifested as the gift of your magical photo’s from Mother. Your heart is beginning to shine that inner light beautifully ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
When we use the words “I Am” or “I Feel” we are creating our own reality. Blessed those who understand that you need to feel what you want to feel. Or you need to be what you want to become. As easy and (for many) complex as can be… In my workshops I am doing the “I Am” meditation with my participants. The music comes from a CD Wayne Dyer published (I Am – the sound of God). Before we start I tell the peep to imagine where they want to be and to put it into the present tence for recalling it during the meditation. During the meditation I am also saying positive affirmations all five minutes. It is so very impowering!
It is like all of our journey Ericka, the parts we experience and understand with our fears become us…until we finally break through them and realise we are but what we hang on to…and let it all go. The ‘I AM’ is that final acceptance of ‘who’ we are within…and create instead of react to this world.
You are sharing a path dear lady, a very heartfelt one to guide and allow that acceptance of who we are. Your gift is being shared from that very platform of ‘I AM’ to teach another to stand in that inner truth ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Which reminds me, I must meditate a little more myself, it has become so second nature to just ‘be’, even when walking or working in some way. I even have spirit bringing through, of all things, problem solving for code that I’m working on when I’m asleep 😂 🤣 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Yes, that’s exactly the point. In many cases it needs a building pressure until the person stands with their back at a wall and there is only one way to go … forward. I think that is the moment, when they realize that it is in their hands, in their responsibility, in their power! That is the moment when feeling unlimited is felt for the first time! THE breakthrough moment!
I too should/want to meditate much more. I used to do it daily. Meanwhile, I am happy if I can do it once in two weeks. So stupid how I let my duties (selfmade) control me. But at least I am aware of it again and take action to solve this!
Thank you for your inspiring reply (as always), dear Mark 😊💖
And thank you dear lady, our sharing in actions down here assist the many, even if we don’t realise it. I have had some amazing moments myself from a line or poem in your writing, it is amazing how a tiny little plant coming up through the cracks in a path can inspire 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
That’s amazing me too. Sometimes a single word or line strikes a chord or turns a thousand light bulbs on. I love when it happens and I am humbles and happy when this is happening through something I am posting.
It amazes me too that due to where each individual stands in the very moment the same things can be read/understood differently… exactly the way they needed it. I love this magical universe!
Thank you, Mark. I am happy that we connected on this journey through this lifetime 😊
And I am happy to connect with you also dear lady, our journey has touched many places. And as you have said, for each it is so magically perfect in each and every moment for who we are.
It is the one thing that just leaves me in amazement when I see something occur for someone…just perfectly…the odds have got to be billions to one, but God’s perfection is always that ‘one’.
The exact same thing I say or do is taken in the context of where that person is at. Some have that look of utter astonishment as something touches them deep within, where another will ask what time is it? 😂 🤣
This universe is spectacularly amazing Ericka, I think when I take my last step down here, even then I will be in…well…heaven in its wonderment 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Haha! Yes, that is so true 😂I love your humor and the humorous way in general with which you encounter life. That is what we need. We should not take ourselves so damn serious, grant everyobody their own truth, see ours not as a truth but as an imagination, and laugh about our own imperfections!
Have a good start to your week, Mark 😃
Thank you kind lady, I will most certainly enjoy this suffering that this journey gives. It is when we can laugh at ourselves that we are truly set free, no longer bound by expectations…ours or others ❤️
Enjoy your week too my friend, may it have much sunshine…within and without 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Thank you very much, Mark, and you too 💖😊
❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
That is THE breaktrhough moment when it is realized that our happiness, our success, our joy is depinding on no one but the person themselves. And mostly it happens when the pressure has come too big and there is only one way to go left… forward.
I definitely want to meditate more again too. I used to do it daily and now I am barely making it once in two weeks. But I am already about to change a lot in my duties and routine. It has become an unhealthy one!
Thank you for your inspiring comment, dear Mark 😊💖
We do reach that point in our hearts when we just can’t do what we have done for so long. The physical and emotional toll is a chronic way of being that we know we cannot keep doing so after blocking for so long a chink appears in our armor so that we have no choice but to ‘see’ what we had refused to for so long. And the realisation that it wasn’t such a horror because we did face it, we could do it, and most of all see that we are strong, we are courageous in doing it and now know it. It has now lost its power over us and a new way of being now opens.
I know you have taken something on in your life that has tested much of you, but we need those moments so that we can see who we are. That young lady inside is stepping up to the plate to allow your heart to see that yes we must try but in doing so find that balance that does not burn us out to such a degree that it becomes unhealthy. You will find it, just be that little plant in the crack of the cement path, stop and just ‘be’ in the sunshine for a while and then before you know it the cement has cracked a little more 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Yes, that is an analogy I love a lot and use it too in a similar way. Once realized that the wall crumbles because of our own actions it will fall apart more and more. We breathe that fresh air, feel the warming sunlight shining through the cracks and begin to lose the fear from what is beyond the wall. We become curious. The wall loses its “sheltering” effect since we realize that we put ourselves in isolation and fed us with the wrong information. With constructive thoughts the wall cannot withstand anymore.
Very much so dear lady, our attitude is our being. I am currently being asked by spirit about my health and where my ‘attitude’ is so I have begun an interesting path as a healer…go figure…but this time instead of healing hearts I have been asked to look at me, as in ‘all’ of me. I have been in acceptance mode for too long and have been asked to step up to the plate. Spirit gave me no hint or clues, just a question…where am I at? And, as usual, a chord was struck within. The ‘I feel’ is seriously being asked of all I take into my body and its reaction. To such a degree I can feel my digestion as it breaks down, where before it was just food. Amazing conversations these ‘chats’.
So where are you going for a rest to allow that break in the wall to open a little further? 😂 🤣
I will defintely change my priorities. I will spend more time with the things that matter to me and not to society or a plan I made in theory. I want to go more with the flow and see where it takes me. As you can see, I reply two days after your reply. So, I detach myself from the need to keep up with everything all the time. I know that nothing will change for the worse if I limit those times.
Thank you for your wonderful inspiration, Mark 😃😊
Just do you dear lady, you will be loved even more because you are loving yourself and giving from that place. The ‘let go’ and go with the flow becomes more natural as we resolve our fears. I was amazed when I finally saw how deep my fear held me in coping strategies. Those many masks for so many situations were a constant run, run, run. No wonder we are always tired all the time, emotionally and physically.
Once I had dug the fear out and understood why I had it in place, the ‘let go’ was absolutely amazing. My body just totally relaxed to the point that my breathing even changed to a more regular rhythm. Shoot, my brain even stopped its chatter which is the one biggest thing of its constant ‘what if, why, can I, should I’s’ all over the place.
Don’t get me wrong, the mind and ego will still keep going but my being held in its thrall is no longer a part of what I have become. I suppose its like I finally punched the bully in the nose so I am no longer scared of him, I can now do what ‘I’ wish to do and stop being ‘on guard’, and to totally relax because of that.
And thank you kind lady, you are being a beacon for us all. Regardless where we are at it, being human is good to be reassured of life and its journey 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
It is such an amazing experience to witness our own automatic reaction to calm and relax once we send fear out of our home, our sacred inner place. It is fear that keeps us in stress and under pressure. The fear of not meeting expectations and measures. It is a diffuse fear which can be disguised as obligation (which it isn’t). A false idea of obligation and not fulfilling it makes us worry about the consequences, our image, or whatever… however, it is fear. And I totally know what you mean. I experienced the same. The fear falls off and you feel free!
It is a magical place to find within us after all that we experience, constantly peeling away those expectations until we are free. May all of life’s masks be understood so that they lose their power, and in that freedom show that love and happiness we all seek dear lady 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Nothing to add, only a big AMEN 🙏
AMEN 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Mark that is a lesson we all need to learn. The world would be a better place.
Thank you for sharing Pam, and it will happen most certainly. At the moment individually, but it seems the universe has other plans hence the current movement that is gaining momentum.
May that take us to the edge, as all change does…but the understanding bring us beyond it peacefully as we ‘touch’ that inner place that is within us all 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋