
The lovely Barbara Franken at ‘Me My Magnificent Self’ has asked me to do a guest post on compassion at her website.

To which I firstly say thank you for thinking of me to contribute, and secondly for your site, a wellspring of so much positivity and love with an attitude of finding our own hearts so that we can bless those around us by being the healing and blessing that this discovery brings.

And of course in that discovery is found much compassion as it blossoms from within because we have now understood the meaning of those fears in our lives, and in breaking through them we realise what others are still going through. And in now understanding each side of the equation of fear and compassion, it now opens that love within, for ourselves and in our dealings with those around us.

To this day it still amazes me just how powerful our love and compassion is, for the strength and courage it has taken to step past many painful things in our lives. But the biggest wonder I ever see, is that beautiful recognition I see in the eyes of another as that understanding reaches its final destination…their hearts. The tears begin to flow in an acceptance of exactly who they are as the walls come tumbling down, and a glow like no other begins to shine from within.

To read this guest post on compassion at Barbara’s site, please click here… ‘Compassion!’

And thank you Barbara for allowing me to share my journey on your lovely site, and be a part of that compassion you share with all.

Namaste <3

44 thoughts on “Compassion!

  1. I read your article Mark. All I can say is thank you. Thank you for your words that always touch me deeply. As I read the article, I could hear your voice. Also, I appreciate the photo. Going forward when reading your words of wisdom, I will see your face.
    Love & light

    1. Love and light to you also kind lady, and thank you for your lovely words. And I thought it was time to ‘connect’ the words with a picture 😀
      There are many voices in this world and I hope at the least mine can guide a soul or two to look within and find that path that will guide us all home.
      Many blessings for your journey <3 😀

    1. It is my pleasure to speak from my heart Moushmi, for those words are from the opening I found in facing my fears. It is an act of loving myself, our entire purpose on this world. Just as your About page on your site does, because you dared to look within. A tiny initiative I think not…but a blossoming of that love within you have dared to express <3
      Thank you for sharing your heart too <3

  2. Mark, thank you for this beautiful post. On a day like today with senseless tragedy, in Las Vegas, reading your post was like applying a healing balm. Much gratitude.

    1. It isn’t a nice thing to see fear in action like that Shobhna, but there was one thing that I felt as I read about it. The gunman stopped firing at the crowd, not because he was under duress from the police but because he had realised that what he was doing was wrong…very wrong.
      I know it doesn’t help those that have lost their lives in such a senseless way, but if others with his way of thinking could only ‘see’ the truth in their journey and understand it has always been waiting for them to understand, and be able to remove those fears within themselves to finally see their own truth and no longer be guided by something that is built on their pain.
      Thank you for sharing, I’m glad it was a healing to read and something to balance what has happened. Love and blessings to you also <3

    1. Thank you Craig. Spirit asked me to ‘guide’ after experiencing the many parts that we all go through. Our journey is a difficult one, but with at least a road map it becomes a little easier to ‘see’ the obstacles that may occur and allow us to relate to them because we are forewarned.
      But we do still have to fully experience these journey’s so that we can truly find that love that is waiting for us all…our love <3
      Thank you for also sharing your journey Craig, it most certainly is given with that love also my friend, may your words never stop flowing with the love that created them <3 😀

    1. Thank you for your kind words Michele. It is a journey for all our souls, touching the many parts of our hearts to find that balance of love and compassion , and become the happiness we all seek 😀

      May you know that happiness in your heart <3

        1. Most certainly Michele. And a self love like no other. As we experience that love to ourselves, only then can we truly relate to another in that experience and give a true compassion <3 😀

    1. Thank you Kay, it was a pleasure to share on Barbara’s site and show a journey we all create in our own ways as we develop that love within 😀
      As you most certainly do with that magic style of writing on your site, it has a beautiful quality that asks us to ‘see’ inside us as well as we relate to it. And done with a love as unique as its owner <3

      1. Well said Mark…in the ER where I work the young nurses tell me that they try to teach them Compassion in nursing school at the university here, but I think that much like unselfishness, compassion should be demonstrated by parents to very young children if it is to take a firm hold in life…some seem to lack both of those wonderful human attributes. How on earth can a course in school teach compassion to those who lack it? Only that master teacher experience could do that, as your life demonstrates so nicely.

        1. Thank you for your kind words. I think the core of our journey is to finally find it for us. Our journey is built on those walls of fear that blocks the love to ourselves, hence our inability to give it to others. Those many pains in life finally allow us to ‘see’ our love through the understandings they bring us, and in doing so, give us that compassion because we are no longer blocking it and we can now directly relate to others pain because of it.
          Thank you for sharing my friend, and I hope all is well in your part of the world, especially after the hurricanes 😀 <3

    1. Thank you Sue. Compassion is one of those subjects that mean so much to everyone but all in so many different ways. But all of it built on that love we have within us all. And eventually the one we must give ourselves to break through the walls and pain in our lives <3
      And I send much compassion to you kind lady in the journey you are currently travelling in the loss of a loved one, may it comfort you as your heart deals with the emotions of that loss. Big hugs and much love to you <3

      1. Thank you Mark.. the passing opened up a deeper wound, that of the passing of my Mother.. Whom I had grieved her loss ten years prior to her passing.. So never fully grieved her actual passing as deeply.. But like many things.. They lay deeply buried within and it was yet another layer to dig down to reach into and peel away.. One that took me by surprise, as I had to really confront my Inner Being to ask myself why was I so melancholy and depressed.. When I know what I know..
        Dream state has been very active on this healing process too.. So Now I have reached into my heart yet again.. And given myself permission to have compassion for my own Inner Light to heal.. I feel much lighter, brighter and whole again..
        I guess our learning is never complete.. We can always find more ways, more means by which we learn compassion, forgiveness, as we learn to let go and stop judging ourselves..
        Many thanks Mark.. Your post on Compassion was excellent on many levels..
        Love and Mega Hugs your way dear friend..
        Sue 🙂 <3

        1. Thanks Sue. It can be a shock at times, especially when we think we have dealt with something only to have it rear up and hit us one more time. I’ve done it on several occasions in the last couple of years, and been very shocked to realise I had ‘covered’ it again. And in truth I think we can only handle ‘bits’ at a time because of the pain that they cause, so each time it nudges us so we can heal a little further, coming closer to that love that we all seek as we face each moment. And as you said, each time it builds that love and compassion to ourselves so that we can become that unconditional that our hearts yearn for.
          Much love to you, be gentle on yourself and allow the ‘bits’ to touch, be healed, and create that love within you a little further. It is a long journey, but in hindsight, a very beautiful one <3 😀

          1. Thank you Mark.. Yes, gentle it is, and I knew you would understand perfectly.. I am sure you are right we are given little at a time to deal with and cope with.. until we are completely healed..
            We have to remember there is a life time of conditioning to our makeup and perhaps even lifetimes before that..
            I do intend to keep peeling away at every opportunity as it arises. For this I hope is the final leg on this particular earth journeying 🙂 lol.. Many thanks for you kind and generous support Mark.. It is greatly appreciated my friend.. 🙂

            1. My pleasure kind lady. I think writing your book (as the weather is beginning to cool off as the season changes to indoors), may be just the thing to ‘express’ and release your journey, allowing that healing and wisdom to take it’s place <3

    1. Just take your time Amy, you have much to deal with at the moment. And from a much better place because of the love and connection that you and your mom made before her passing. She will now ‘know’ that both your journey’s have achieved the beauty it was meant to, and she will now hold a truly ‘unconditional love’ for the rest of your journey, as you will for her <3
      My 'compassion', literally and in writing, will always be here beautiful lady. Big hugs and much love <3

      1. Thank you for understanding, Mark. Your writing deserves more then just a quick glance from me. I always look forward to what you bring forth from your Heart so yes I will read Compassion. BIG (((HUGS))) in return, dear friend. ?

    1. Thank you very much Carolina, and I appreciated Barbara’s faith in me as well. Her series on compassion has brought many people and ways that it can be expressed in us all. I was glad to be able to add my ‘compassion’ to her party, and share my journey 😀
      And thank you for sharing your heart here as well Carolina, as you do in your lovely art on your site. I still cannot believe the incredible results from using coffee, it’s ability to highlight and shadow at the same time is amazing. Your gift from the heart my friend <3

      1. Thank you Mark it is an amazing journey sometimes life feels like a roller coaster going through darkness and light and for me I am so thankful that I have this gift and I can get refuge within my art and share it with others, make people feel through what I create! Thank you for being such a nice friend your words did touched my soul many times! 🙂

        1. Our journey can be a roller coaster Carolina, but it is those up’s and down’s that show us our hearts…finally 😀
          Have a great day, and thank you for being a beautiful friend to me also. May it be full of the light from that gift within <3

  3. Mark I read your post “compassion ” and I was touched! There is so much depth to your words that they bring tears to my eyes and a swelling of my heart. I am so blessed to have found you in this strange world of blogging. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Pam. They are words that I ‘feel’ coming through me because I have learnt to ‘open’ from my fears and be the love that I have found. We all go through a journey to finally reach that place within, find the beauty of that compassion within us, and begin to finally love ourselves…unconditionally <3
      I am also glad to have found you and your daily 'heads up' to listen to our own hearts in this world of bloggers 😀
      Thank you for sharing kind lady, may your heart also find unconditional, it is there waiting for us all <3

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